The rejection

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Non-binary bisexual Henry
Lesbian Transfem Lia
Bisexual Zoey
Pansexual transmasc Liam
Bisexual demiboy Drew
Pansexual Jake
Henry pov🥬:

"Please Lia, just give me a chance!"
Henry said, asking Lia out
"Henry, I thought I told you already, I don't date dwarves"
Lia said, rolling her eyes. Henry dramatically fell down to the floor with crocodile tears
"Why, Lia, why?"
He said , before repeating, but louder this time


"You got me the money?"
Lia asked, talking to a mysterious figure
"Of course I do"
The figure said, as it brought it's tan hand out with $50, Lia grabbed it and double checked the amount before saying
"Perfect, thank you for your service, Remirez"
As she walked away. The figure put their hood down and revealed themself to be......

(To be continued)

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