Chapter 1:The Horrific Incident

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I'm limping into the dining room with the support of my friend blood pouring down my shoulder and dripping off of my face where the knife cut me struggling for air as we make it under the table to hide from what would have been our certain deaths as the golden mascot skips happily past our hiding spot and out the building assuming we exited the building as i poke my head out unaware that a security cameras red light started pointing directly at us.


Me and Jake along with our group of friends were playing in the ball pit just minding our own business when we heard something we turned around and there was a golden bunny asking us if we wanted to go to a party in a private room back stage.

We said no but then we heard that we could meet the animatronics if we went,we instantly agreed Jake was always talking about how he wanted to meet Bonnie and how great it would be. so we climbed out of the ball pit and followed the bunny which then lead us to what looked to be a parts and service room but older. then the bunny shut the door the others screamed as the bunny pulled out a knife and said "don't worry children it wont hurt" with that the bunny stabbed Susie in the neck, Fritz was brutally stabbed in the chest Gabriel was also stabbed in the chest and Jeremy and Cassidy had there throats slit.

The bunny then moved onto me next i was slashed across the face and stabbed in the shoulder the rabbit dropped me on the ground so i played dead the bunny then went onto Jake and carved an x on his chest and said"you get to live and be tormented by what you saw happen here" the bunny then kicked him into the wall for good measure i then crept up behined him and kicked the back of his knee he fell to the ground and landed on his knife impaling his own shoulder and letting out a muffled scream of pain.

I started clawing my way to the door to find help jake saw me moving and helped me up we exited the back room and started making our way to the dining room to hide limping and gasping for air we scrambled under a table after a while the golden mascot skipped past our table blood dripping off of his arm as he exited the building thinking we left we crawled out from under the table and looked around i spotted the glowing red dot on a security camera and pointed it out to jake we started screaming for help.

The security guard heard us and came running shining a bright light in our faces seeing us covered in blood he asked us what happened but before i could answer i passed out from blood loss after what felt like seconds i woke up with bandages covering my face i couldn't see so i started freaking out and clawing at the bandages the docter saw me and quickly came and grabbed my hands.

"Sammy my name is Dr.Sloan(props if you know what show this guy is from) i need you to calm down and hold still so i can remove your bandages" hearing this i stopped moving and let the doctor remove the bandages being blinded by the lights i moved my hand in front of the lights and blinked a couple times to adjust to the brightness.

My dad then ran into the room and hugged me crying "Sammy im so glad your ok i thought i lost you like we lost your sister" when he said that i stiffened up we lost charlie a year ago and i realized if i died dad would have to go through all of it again i hugged him back and asked where jake was my dad told me he was discharged yesterday and said i had been out for three days.

The police then came in with the security guard that found us and wanted to know if they could speak with my dad about his establishment my dad walked out with them while talking in hushed tones the security gaurd came over to me and introduced himself as mike schmidt he wanted to know if he could ask me a couple questions about what happened i told him i didn't mind and he could ask me anything.

He then pulls out a notepad and flips to a blank page and asks"explain everything from when you got to the pizzaria to when i found you". so i start explaining "i was there with jake while our fathers finished up some new designs for some animatronics we were playing in the ball pit with some kids that frequent the pizzaria gabriel, jeremy, cassidy, susie, and fritz while we were playing a guy in a golden bonnie costume came up to us and said we were invited to a private party backstage telling us we could meet the animatronics up close and personal.

So we followed the guy backstage and he led us to a room we all went in and he closed the door and locked it" i started breathing heavy and tearing up while explaining "He then pulled out a knife and started killing my friends one by one he then hurt me and for some reason told jake he got to live" i then broke down and started crying.

Mike looked up from writing and told me it was okay and that we could stop there the cops then walked back in and mike gave them the report he was writing the captain took it and looked it over and said "yep this matches what the other kid told us but we searched the entire pizzaria we couldn't find the other kids or this back room that they are talking about.(Henry doesn't know about the backroom)

I heard them say this and asked "what if i showed you where it is" my dad heard this and said" No i can't let you go back in there" "dad its okay i want to show them"i asked to be helped up and if they could get jake because he would want to be there to so we got in the police car and picked up jake on our way we then arrived at the pizzaria we exited the car and mike took out his keys to unlock the building.

as we entered the building the atmosphere felt heavier, me and jake led them all backstage the cops looked around asked "alright where is this room you guys said he took you too" i pointed at a metal shelf leaned up against the wall "he moved that so the door must be behined there" two of the officers moved the shelf to reveal a door painted to look like it was part of the wall the captain opened the door and gagged at the smell emanating from the room.

Opening the door all the way we saw seven puddles of blood with the mascots standing next to five of the puddles the captain then called in their CSI(crime scene investigators) and grabbed samples of the blood and ushered us out of the building my dad put me in the car while jake went in his moms car we gave eachother one last look before we were taken home and put to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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