Marinette's friends start to come back to her

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Marinette had been feeling lonely and isolated sinceLila's incident. She had lost touch with most of her friends, who believed Lila's lies about her. Marinette tried to reach out to them, but they ignored her or made excuses not to hang out. Marinette felt like she was stuck in a bubble, watching her friends from afar but unable to connect with them. This had a heavy emotional toll on Marinette, making her feel even more isolated and misunderstood. She was desperate to make things right, but her friends' refusal to engage with her made it difficult for her to do so.

But one day, Marinette received a text from Alya, asking if she wanted to come over and watch a movie. Marinette was surprised but happy. She missed her best friend so much. When she arrived at Alya's house, she was greeted with a big hug. The hug was a sign of Alya's excitement to see her, and of the deep friendship they shared. It was a gesture that filled Marinette with warmth and joy, and she was glad that they were able to spend time together again.

"I'm so sorry, Marinette," Alya said. "I should have believed you from the start. I knew I was a terrible friend."

Marinette felt tears prick her eyes. She hugged Alya back, grateful for her forgiveness. Tears can be a sign of relief and joy, and Marinette's tears were likely a result of feeling overwhelmed with gratitude that Alya had not only forgiven her, but also for finally listening to her. It can be incredibly cathartic to release emotions that have built up over time, and for Marinette, her tears were a sign of her immense relief that her longtime friend had not only forgiven her, but also had taken the time to really listen to her.

"I miss you so much," Marinette said.

"I missed you too," Alya said. "And I'm not the only one. The others want to see you too."

Marinette's heart skipped a beat. She hoped her friends would return to her, but she didn't want to get her hopes up. Alya must have seen the look on her face because she smiled and said, "I'm serious." We all miss you. We realized that Lila was lying about everything, and we feel terrible for not believing you." Marinette was overwhelmed with relief. She could feel her heart swell with hope and gratitude that her friends had seen the truth and were now standing by her side. She was so happy that she couldn't help but tear up.

Marinette felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She had been carrying around so much hurt and anger, but now she felt like she could finally let it go. She spent the rest of the evening catching up with Alya, laughing at old memories, and eating popcorn. She had been struggling to forgive herself for her mistakes and had been blaming herself for the way things had gone wrong. By talking to Alya, she was finally able to forgive herself and move past the pain she had been holding onto.

Over the next few weeks, Marinette's other friends reached out to her. Rose invited her to a tea party, Juleka asked her to model for a photography project, and even Chloe apologized for her behavior. Marinette was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support. Even though Marinette had been feeling alone in her struggles, her friends reminded her that she was not alone. Their kind gestures made her realize that she had people she could rely on and feel connected to, which was a great source of comfort and relief.

She realized that even though she had lost some friends, she had gained new ones in the process. She learned that true friends always stick by her, no matter what. Marinette felt like she was finally coming out of her shell and back into the world. She was excited to make new memories with her friends and createexciting adventures. She had gone through a difficult period and had to make some tough decisions, but she had come out the other side with a new appreciation for the people who cared for her. She was now more confident in her ability to make positive connections and was ready to pursue new experiences with her newfound friends.

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