I met him

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It was three in the morning and I couldn't sleep. My head hurt, I was tired, and my lip was still sore. I needed sleep, but I just couldn't for some reason.

After staring at my ceiling for what felt like an eternity, I decided to slip out of bed and go for a walk. I grabbed my pepper spray, knife and keys and put them into my bag. I slipped on a hoodie and my shoes, and opened the front door. As I stepped outside, I felt the cool night air hit my face. I shivered, but I kept walking. The sky was prettier at night, plus there's less people.

I stopped by the corner store and opened the door, which was accompanied by a little ding from the doorbell on the top of the door. Desperate for something to keep me awake, I grabbed an energy drink off the freezer section of the store. Suddenly, I heard the deepest, graveliest, most attractive voice I had ever heard in my life. I turned my head to see what the mysterious person looked like. My gaze was met with a man with black hair, striking blue eyes, scratchy black boots, and chains on his black cargo jeans and hoodie. He was buying a pack of cigarettes. Desperate to get to know more about him, I hurriedly payed for my drink and rushed out after him. He was hanging out on a bench in the park by my house, smoking. The thought of leaving crossed my mind, but I shook away the voice of reason, as my feet began to move towards him on their own. I sat next to him, trying to seem as relaxed as possible.

The man had scars all over his face. Now that I looked closer, they seemed to be held up with staples.

I was about to open my mouth to ask for a cigarette, but he spoke first.

"You smoke?" he asked.

Nervous, because I hadn't ever smoked before, my desperation still overcame me.

"A little," I replied.

His hand reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. He extended it to me, to which I took it, hesitantly. 

Suddenly, his hand lit on fire. I jumped a bit at the unexpected action. His other hand reached for mine and brought it closer to the hand on fire. He lit my cigarette, and let go of my hand. I shakily put it to my mouth. I breathed in the cancerous smoke, and held back a million coughs. 

"Do you live around here, sweetheart?" he asked.

I blushed at the nickname.

"Yeah. You?" I asked.

"Yeah, you could say. I don't exactly live far, let's put it that way," he said.

Both of us continued looking out at the night scene. The man slowly turned his head and scanned me with his eyes.

"You're pretty for a girl who goes to UA," he remarked with a smirk.

I breathed out smoke as I looked at him.

"How'd you know I go to UA?" I questioned.

"It's on your sweater," he replied.

I looked at the guitar pins on his jacket and his LesPaul shirt. 

"You play guitar?" I asked.

"Yeah, actually," he replied.

"That's awesome. Are you in a band?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm too busy for that." he replied.

I nodded.

"What about you, you play anything?" He asked, looking at me.

"Yeah, guitar and drums," I replied.

"Nice," he laughed, " I never caught your name?"

"Y/N  L/N," I replied, breathing out more smoke from the cigarette, "And you?"

"Dabi," he replied deadpan.

I recognized that name. He was a villain. 

And yet..


I wasn't scared. He was nice to me. He played guitar. He was pretty cool.

"What's your number, pretty girl?" he asked, making me blush.

"I-It's..uhh (000 - 000 - 0000)," I stuttered.

"I'll call you later," he said grabbing his things and throwing his cigarette in a trash bin nearby. 

"See you around, sweetheart," Dabi said.

"See you," I said, staying on the bench.


I was impressed. Usually, people just annoy me, but she felt different. Plus, she didn't care that I was a villain. She smokes. She plays drums and guitar. She's really fucking pretty. 

I think I'll call her soon.


I took a shaky breath as I opened my energy drink, taking a sip. I stayed like that for a while, enjoying the night air and the conversation I'd just had. 

After about 15 minutes or so, I had tossed my cigarette and decided it was time to leave. 

I wandered back home and didn't sleep for the rest of the night, thinking about the mysterious villain I had just encountered a few hours earlier.

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