O M G! A WEEK ALONE WITH KYLE?!!?,!,,!.,.? Part 3/7

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Your pov btw

You wake up with the tv on watching (F/S), you still in Kyle's lap and Olivia and Stan in the kitchen making food. No one seems to notice your awake, but soon Olivia does. "(Y/N)s awake, childrennn" she says. "Finally, I can ask, WTF DO YOU WANT FOR BREAKFAST BITCH-" She yells at me. "Yes good morning to you too, gimme (f/b/f) (favourite breakfast food.) "OKAY MOTHERFUCKER, THANKS" she yells. "Someone help me I cant butter toast-" she says "I will." Stan says as he bUtTeRs Olivia's toast. "Ty baba grill" she says, no one notices Except you. You look at her, You look at Stan, he is blushing like hell. And Kyle HAS FUCKING FALLEN ASLEEP AGAIN- "Bitch what-" you say "ANYWAY-" she says panicked "TIME FOR SCHOOL KIDS!"  She yells as all our bags appear out of a cloud of smoke "And so I can annoy you guys ALL THE TIME, I enrolled myself into ya school 😍" she says as she drags us all out of the door. She throws Kyle into the snow to wake him up "BITCH WHAT THE FUCK-" Kyle says as he wakes up. "I NEARLY SHAT MYSELF SHITHEAD-" he says "whoops" Olivia says as she drags us to school. But she is being more gentle with Stan, *french laugh/the hohoho* 

We soon reach the school and everyone stares at Olivia "Tf are these bitches lookin at" she whispers to you. "You're holding hands with Stan stupid." I say "Your hand is tangled with Kyle's" she says as she rolls her eyes 👀 

We go inside and Olivia goes off to find her locker and get her timetable. "Oh I'll be back I gtg pee" Kyle says quickly running into the boys toilets. As he goes in, Clyde comes out, "OH (A/N/N))) (annoying nickname) "IM DONEEEEE" Clyde notices her and pushes the poor thing against a locker. "WHA THE FUCK GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU DIRTY FUCKING RAT I CAN SENSE HOW FUCKING CRUSTY YOUR HANDS ARE AND YO HAIR LOOK AS CRUSTY MUSTY AS KENNY'S FUCKING JACKET YOU MOTHERFUCKER NOW GET YOUR DIRTY LITTLE SHITTY HANDS OFFA ME BEFORE I SMACK YOU TO THE FUCKING MOON" She yells. This catches everyone's attention "Aw, why so stubborn, sweetheart~" he says. "Mate I am not joking, 8m Aussie bitch, now that you know this it will hurt ten times more" 🤭 Then Stan has come back from wherever the fuck he was. You can tell Olivia noticed this because she yells "STAN HELP ME THIS CRUSTY RAT WONT GET OFF ME" Stan quickly runs over and pushes Clyde. Kyle has come back by now. "Wth did you do??" He asks Olivia "Your mum" she says as she smacks Clyde into a kid then throws a fucking brick at him "WHERE THE FUCK DID THAT COME FROM-" some kid yells "Sweetie, I'm the author, I do what I want, and get what I want" she says "STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL OLIVIA GOD DAMMIT" Kyle yells "If you don't want a concussion then I would suggest you stop talking, I have more bricks" she says "Everyone, I assure you I'm very friendly haha it just seems that 'Clyde' here is a little bitch" she continues "just saying tho I have way more bricks where that came from." She gives a friendly smile and we all quickly run off to class "Mkay children we gawt a new kid Mkay? This is Olivia and while we're at ot here (Y/N), tell us a bit about yourself, girls/girl and boy/kids." "AHEM im going first," she says to me, "I'm Olivia Topping and I have lots of bricks 🧱 I like drawing and animating and I make edits" she says and motions for me to say mine "well uh I'm (Y/N) and I like (insert random shit you like)" "OH! and I like tmnt, wattpad, Sonic Boom, Cuphead, South Park.." she goes on "oh shit the forth wall-" "sorry kyle I didn't mean to this time-" Kyle  rolls his at this and the rest of the kids are just confused while tweek is crying with Craig comforting him. "CREEK-" she screams then covers her mouth 👄  

Time skip bc I don't wanna do anymore of school-

We are teleported back home by Olivia "Hey look that's the spot where the forth wall is!"  She says "was-" she corrects herself "Kyle, come" I say and run upstairs with Kyle. We go to my room. 

Meanwhile, with Stan and Olivia~ (dw goin to u and Kyle soon!) Olivia pov btw

"LETS WATCH TMNT BITCH-" I say "oki" Stan says as me and him plop down on the couch and start watching random tmnt shit.

(After a while back with Kyle and u) Kyle's pov!

Me and (Y/N) are lying on her bed watching yt shorts just cuz WHEN SUDDELY! (Suddenly) she asks me to hold the iPad, I hold the iPad, assuming her hands are just tired and needs a break from holding iPads but she cuddles into me and puts her leg over my leg.. WEIRD IK RIGHT?!?! then I realise the did it by accident and she is asleep. Now I can't get up. o-o "Fuck you.." I mutter 

"-+=one hour later=+-"

(Your pov) 

I wake up, Kyle on my iPad watching yt shorts. He explains to me that I fell asleep and he was stuck. I apologised but he said it's ok "Oo I have an idea!" I say "I hear Olivia and Stan's show paused we should go see if they are asleep, if they are then we take picture and leak it!" "Uhm idk Stan is my best friend.." he says "well Olivia is one of my best friends so it's ok 👌 " you reason "fine" he says. "But it was YOUR idea!" "Deal!" You shake his hand and sneak downstairs, IPad in hand. You find Olivia and Stan asleep together (not in a weird way, bitch) kind of Like tangled-with-eachother-together. "HEHE. You giggle, and Kyle holds in his laughter. You snap several pictures but Olivia wakes up during this.. you both ZOOM upstairs and lock yourselves on the bathroom "(Y/N) I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I WILL DESTROY YOU, AND YOU TO KYLE" she screams but we have already posted the pictures.... 

To be continued..

1050 words! Hey bubbies!! Hope u enjoyed this chapter! I got hit in the nose during netball today 👌 very fun- we versed my friends team and I felt like vomiting during the second quarter so haha! Then in the last quarter I was GS against this year 7 that was playing in the team bc they were down a player 😍 lemme just say, It was hard to get the ball- anyway hope u enjoyed, BYE SWEATIESS! 😍😍👌👌🤭🤭👁👄👁👹👹🫵🫵🫵❤️❤️❤️😍😍👀👀👀 

Love, your Funky Fucky Snail bestie 🤩

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