Chapter 1

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Moon looks at Sun, having his suspicions. He knew he had left his Kill code in Sun, And Sun had been acting... off. He has to admit that he was apprehensive about Sun and that the code would end up risking his brother's well-being.

With that apprehension in mind, he began crafting a body. It was small, about the size of a human toddler, since he didn't have many resources for this body. He keeps it from Sun. He goes digging for anything and everything that may help.


Moon groans angrily as Monty bursts into his room, "What do you want?"

"I don't know, a couple of million dollars?" Monty responds with a shrugging gesture.

Moon points his index finger at Monty, "No. You're not getting anything today. I have things I need to be doing right now."

Moon's attention remains on the monitor of his computer. He glances at the small form sitting between his supercomputer and bed. He was overworked and stressed but refused to cease working when his brother's life and sanity were at stake.

"What can I possibly do? I know there's a fault in the code I abandoned. It's advancing at the same rate we do. That's concerning." Moon mused to himself, tapping his forehead.

He was aware of the outcome of leaving it as is. He's seen the other dimensions and refuses to allow that particular outcome of events. He doesn't want to snuff out the life that the abandoned code would develop into. He would not be like other versions of himself. So he followed the formula he'd planned.

"And what would those 'things' be?" Monty asks.

"None of your business. It's for me to know and you to never find out. I suggest you leave before I get the stick and beat you." Moon threatens, not even glancing in Monty's direction.

"Ah, whatever. I'll hack into your account again later." Monty huffs, leaving with a series of grunts as he clambers through the tube.

Moon returns to the task at hand. He finishes the final touches to the body and disconnects the cord from the small body. He lifts it into his arms and clutches it close to his torso. Moon crouches as he strides through the tunnel to his room.

"Sun! We need to speak to Glamrock Freddy." Moon calls out.

"Okay, but... why are we doing that?" Sun asks.

"Long story. I'll tell you on the way."

Sun looks at Moon with a look of confusion before trailing after his brother. Moon sighs as he begins the process of explaining it all to Sun.

"When we separated, I tried to remove my kill code by leaving it with you. But I got curious, What would happen if I left it unchecked? So, I peaked at later events from other dimensions. The outcome was often the same. The code grows and becomes another being that's out to make our lives hell. Mostly you. I don't want that, so I'm making a different story."

"That's... uh... a lot to take in..." Sun says, distressed.

"Yeah, I'm aware, Sun... I'm trying to be better to you. I don't want to screw up like countless other versions of myself." Moon states calmly, looking for Glamrock Freddy.

Sun looks upset by that, "Moon, you won't 'screw up,' You'd do fine. And even if you did, we'll fi-"

"No more covering for me, brother." Moon stops a rests a hand on Sun's head. "You don't need to keep cleaning up my mistakes and failures. You just be yourself, Sun. You're not as stupid as you think. And you were always the better of us. I don't say it as much as I should, but I appreciate you, Sun. More importantly, I love you. It feels weird saying that."

Sun would smile if he could, but he already has a permanent smile. Moon finally finds just the bear he was looking for. He hands the small body to Sun and hurries off to talk to Glamrock Freddy.

Sun looks at the tiny form in his arms. It looked like him but pastel in color, with more color variation.

It was adorable, in Sun's opinion

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It was adorable, in Sun's opinion. It wasn't extravagant or plain. It was as one might expect. Small, child-like frame, rounded eyes half-closed. Sun hadn't the faintest idea as to why Moon picked the look he did for this tiny form. Sun just brushes it off as Moon returns.

"Alright. We're going for a walk, Sun. Let's go." Moon spoke quickly. He would have taken the small Body, but he can see Sun holding it close. And he wouldn't deny Sun anything. Not anymore. He was going to make sure Sun was living his best life from now on.

Sun had to admit that whatever Moon had made the tiny animatronic for had to be important. Moon had made a complete change of behavior overnight, but... He was happy. Moon was getting better. Maybe... he would be able to stop overworking himself now and actually rest. That would make Sun so much more... happy? At peace?

He hugs the small form, silently thanking whoever it was for.


Sun was curious but it can wait.


Moon walks with Sun, making sure to take it slow for Sun. He keeps checking on Sun, letting him strike up conversations, even laughing. Moon... Hasn't been so relaxed. Ever. He's always been angry or working. He only ever stopped to record for their channel. He wasn't going to stop the channel. 

Moon enters the creepy mansion with Sun. "Golden, Glamrock told us we can come to you for help!"

"Oh? You talked to my son?"

Sun jumps, hiding behind Moon. Moon drapes an arm on Sun to comfort him. 

"Yeah. He said you can use magic to help rip something out of another person." Moon was blunt.

"Oh, That's true. You can utilize magic to do something like that. But only you can." The golden bear spoke.

Moon sighs, "Fine, fine. Teach me magic then so I can help my brother."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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