3 「J U S T - L I K E - Y O U」3

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point of view

𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐋𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐑, Catherine slowly looked up Jacob's new form until she met eyes with him, his new form towering over her.

She was amazed by him and his new form, she'd finally had the chance to meet a predatory shifter, it was even more amazing than she thought it would have been.

"You're a wolf," Catherine spoke in amazement as she looked at his over five-foot-eleven wolf form, she couldn't help but marvel at his russet brown wolf fur. "a gigantic fucking wolf."

With that the girl let out a few giggles, she was so excited to see someone with such a large shifter form, the large shifter she'd ever seen before was a male deer.

Although it seemed Jacob didn't have the same excitement as he wobbled on all four of his legs, his large wolf form letting out a few loud whines.

It quickly grabbed Catherine's attention causing her to fully pay attention to him, however, she only chuckle as she watched him try to move his front and back paws at the right times.

Only for him to end up looking like a confused baby deer, despite him being a deadly large wolf.

"Okay, okay." She said as she rushed back forwards, not having to move far as his fund body was around ten feet long so she was just about in front of him already.

The girl quickly placed both of her hands on each side of his snout, forcing Jacob's large wolf head to look her directly in her face as she rubbed his wolf cheeks.

"Your so soft," Catherine gasped at the soft fur under her hands, most likely due to this being his first shift, most larger shifters' fur gets dirtier fast. "I am so going to brush out all of your fur later."

Hearing her words, Jacob let out a few gargled huffs and barks that Catherine's quickly realized as his attempt at talking in wolf form.

"Okay, I'm guessing you don't want to be in this form for much longer," Catherine stated rather than asking, although she was still met with Jacob shaking his large wolfy head in her arms causing her to giggle. "okay just breath, focus on how you used to be."

Taking a deep breath to calm down her giggles, Catherine got as serious as she could and spoke softly just like her parents had when she shifted for the first time.

Honestly, she was so happy to help someone through their first shift, she knew how excited she had been for her own, how nervous and partially scared she was.

"The color of your hair, how tall you used to be, being on two feet,"  Catherine continued to describe it to him copying her father's methods, but tweaking it in ways she knew would help Jacob more. "you have to force your body, feel it deep within your chest, tell your body to shift don't try and coax it."

With that, Catherine laid a small kiss to the center of his hairy wolf-head, before she once again backed up again, not moving very far this time as she knew he would only get smaller.

Smiling up at him, she watched as he lowered his gaze to the ground before his wolf eyes closed, the girl knowing he was trying his best to focus on his old-human form.

So she just waited, waited patiently as she watched himself back into his old form, the girl watching as his arms broke back slower this time but causing no pain to him.

It going just as fast as it had when he shifted for the first time, although this time his form got smaller and small until he was back once again on his hands and knees.

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