Chapter 1: Unremitting

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As hastily as they were, Aiko had no problems falling asleep on the plane to Anchorage, Alaska, but John's fear of flying unwillingly forced him awake the whole time. He tried to take his mind off being on the plane with games and movies, but still, he unwillingly divulged into his fears. Aiko sat next to him once again, calming his nerves to the point where he didn't feel the need to lose control while in the air. Ayame and Naoki, however, both kept busy as they watched movies throughout the flight until they too succumbed to the power of fatigue. Ayame didn't mind since she got to spend time with him closer than she had ever been and, at the same time, in a roundabout way, kind of like an unofficial date.

The plane shuttered for a moment before landing on the tarmac at the international airport in Anchorage. It had been a long twelve hours since they left the airport in Gleewood city, but time was of the utmost importance since they did not know who or what to expect in this new land across the country. Since they would be stepping into an uncharted area, Aiko and John agreed that they need to bring their new guns on the trip. Naomi questioned whether they would even be able to bring the weapons onto the plane due to the tight security surrounding the airport. However, Audrey rectified that problem when creating her invention and made a specialized concealed compartment within one of their bags that shielded it from the x-ray machine. Aiko, at first, had her doubts since the machine at the airport were state of the art and could see their luggage as a three-dimensional view, but just like Audrey insisted, all of their luggage passed through security with flying colors.

The gang hurried off the plane, meeting down the hall with their carry-ons in hand, slumping to a nearby column, trying to keep themselves awake.

Aiko soon joined the gang, looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as ever, trying to rally her team as she clapped her hands together, saying, "Alright then, let go." She hoisted her duffle bag onto her shoulder and began walking to the other side of the airport. Everyone else just gave her an unbelievable look as to why they needed to keep moving so soon. Aiko's energy astonished them since she wasn't a morning person, and yet there she was, unable to stop. She quickly realized that she was walking down the airport corridor alone and stopped. She looked back to see the gang standing with tiredness in their eyes.

"Guys? Our next flight is this way," Aiko commanded, pointing to a far off gate.

"Can't we take a minute?" John replied in a tired tone. "We've been on a plane for like 14 hours and need some time to adjust." John stretched out his back, letting loose a long yet satisfying yawn. They departed from Gleewood city around nine at night and landed in Anchorage around twelve in the midday. The trip seemed to fly by quickly but within the short time they were in the air they travel at least over three thousand miles. They had to make a couple of stops before finally arriving in Anchorage.  Everyone's bodies could feel the harsh adjustment to the jet lag, but Aiko seemed unaffected.

"Yeah, can we?" Naoki said, siding with John.

Aiko put her hands on her hips and walked up to them, saying, "First of all it was 12 hours, and second we need to get on the next flight because it's the only one that goes to Valdez and the next one doesn't come for another three hours. So to get there as soon as possible, we need to leave now."

Everyone let out a whining groaning as they all gathered themselves and their bags, following Aiko down the long terminal walkway. Everyone had the same feeling that sitting in another plane would be like adding salt to an open wound. They arrived at their planes gate as people ahead of them began walking down the jetway to the tarmac. An extensive set of windows displayed the aircraft that they were soon to board, catching John's attention as he froze in place, staring at the two-engine plane sporting the name Valdez air taxi painted in a bright yellow color, looking like it could only carry twenty or so people at once.

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