Small Hands - Jimin

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His finger traced it's way down her arm to her hand. The very same hand he heard her call hideous the previous night, as she bandaged her bleeding knuckles. He hooked his fingers into hers and brought her hand to his lips. He softly kissed the back of her hand. He unknotted their fingers and held her fingers with his, caressing her knuckles.

"Babe," he whispered. Her eyes looked into his.

"Aren't these the same knuckles you used to punch that bastard last night?"

"Yeah?" y/n said. Confused about why he was framing a fact as a question.

"And these fingers... Aren't they the same fingers that wrote me endless amounts of poems and love letters?"

"Jimin?" y/n asked concerned, "Are you okay??" She pressed her free hand onto his forehead and he chuckled.

Pulling her hand down, he said in a dominant yet gentle tone "Answer the question y/n."


"Please y/n," he whispered.

"Yes, they are the same hands," y/n responded.

"What has gotten into you Jimin? Did you not watch me punch him?" she sounded confused and defeated. She put her free hand on his. "Is everything alright? You can always talk to me you know."

He took both her hands into his left hand. "I can talk to you, so why don't you talk to me," he asked as he cocked his head. "I heard what you said last night..."

"About?" y/n interjected, thoroughly confused.

"While you were bandaging your hands..."

"Oh..." y/n said as she frowned.

"You know without these hands you wouldn't be able to punch, write, or play badminton; You wouldn't be able to save me like you did last night," he whispered.

He took her right hand and pressed it into his chest. "Without these hands, you wouldn't be able to feel my heart beat," he continued. "So don't you dare..." he softened his voice and repeated, "don't you dare dislike these hands... Even for a moment."

He kissed both of her hands and whispered "Your hands fit perfectly in mine. It seems like were made specially for you, your needs and your aspirations. They are imperfectly perfect the way they are."


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