Chapter 23

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I smile weakly as tears build up in my eyes. My family lines up in front of me. "No, Kocu. I can't make you give up your family for me." Cross says. I take their hands into mine and smile brightly. "I am not losing them completely, just giving up their consciousness. I'll still have their souls and magic, but not them. You need them more than I do." I pull Cross into a tight hug. "You can be separate people again with this. Please don't waste it." I muttered into their ears as they disappeared. KChara, KFrisk and KSans are the first to move. "See you later Kocu." "Love you sis." "Be good Kid." they say before fading away. KToriel grabs my face and kisses my forehead. "You have always had a big heart, I am proud to call you my daughter." She says. Each of my family approach me and say their goodbyes before fading away until none of them are left. Then I turn my back to the others and build up my magic, fusing souls and bodies together and opening a portal. A group of monsters with two young humans step out, all of them bubbly and happy. I close the portal and bite back my tears. "The world is stabilized and there won't be a risk of overwrites or rests. So you all can go enjoy your lives to the fullest without any problems." I say smiling brightly. I turn my back to them all and start to walk away, tears rolling down my face. I felt empty, alone, lighter. I could still see their souls, but none of them talked to me anymore. They were gone basically, on to live new and better lives. "KOCU!!!!" Fresh yells and I turn around, as he tackles me to the ground. "Where do you think you're going? You can't get away from me that easily." He says smiling. I sigh softly. "Hey now chickadee, no frowning or sad sighing. That's not allowed." Fresh says before tickling my sides. I squeal loudly and try to get away. "NO!! No tickling!!!" I struggle to get up. Fresh laughs maniacally as I finally get to my feet and run towards Error. "ERROR SAVE ME!! Fresh is attacking me!!" I say and hide behind him. "Running and hiding means you're ticklish!! You can't deny it, Kocu!!" Fresh says. "Yes I can! You'll never find my most ticklish spot!" I yell. Suddenly, Error, Dream, Ink and Nightmare are chasing after me, trying to tickle me. Soon everyone split up to go and do their own things, the different AU monsters spread out throughout the state. Frisk and Chara plus all the young monsters were enrolled in school. "What is school?" I ask, tilting my head as I sit at the table. "You've never been to school?" Toriel asks. I shake my head. "No, I was in the underground by the time I was old enough for school." I shrug. "Then how have you learned anything?" Sans asks, as we were all sitting in the shared house. "By living honestly, and what little I was taught when living with the monsters. It's hard to get a full education when your family is killed and you're left alone." I mutter. Next thing I knew I was being enrolled into the same school as my sisters. I fidget nervously, chewing on the bottom of my lip.

But that is an adventure for another book. If I so decide to write one..... Idk. 

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