Chapter 1: Coming Back to Hogwarts

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^her outfit 

Lexi was currently in Platform 9 3/4 saying goodbye to her parents. She was scared to come back to Hogwarts but she had to tell Mattheo the reason why she left. She looked at the time and realized it was 5 minutes before the train so she ran. She saw her friend's compartment and came back.

"I missed my pen pal!", Diamond said hugging her.

"I've missed you too", Lexi said smiling, pulling away from the hug.

"Where have you been?", Astoria asked.

"A school near my house", Lexi explained.

"Look who decided to come back", Pansy says smiling.

"Someone had a glow-up", Lexi told Pansy.

Lexi sat down next to Alice and Alice smiled at her. Alice missed the group gossip sessions. The group would schedule weekly gossip sessions. Alice missed Hogwarts with Lexi in general. She and DIamond were the only ones who knew the real reason why she left. She was close with Pansy and Astoria but not as much as Diamond and Alice.

"So, seeing any new boys?", Lexi asked, bored.

"I'm seeing Blaise", Pansy said smiling.

"I knew it!", Lexi said.

"Astoria's seeing Draco", Demi said smirking.

"Congrats!", Lexi said smiling at her.

"Lexi, how's it going with Riddle?", Astoria asked, not knowing what happened between them.

"I ended our agreement", Lexi said, tears forming in her eyes.

"Are you okay?", Astoria asked her.

"Yes, I'm going to the bathroom", Lexi said running to the bathroom.

Lexi bumped into someone and noticed it was Mattheo Riddle. She looked right at him to see how he much changed. Mattheo smiled at her and she smiled back. She realized how much she missed him in that moment. They stayed like that for minutes, staring into each other's eyes.

"Ace", Mattheo said starstruck.

"Theo", Lexi said.

"Can we at least be friends?", Theo asked.

"Sure, but nothing more", Lexi said smiling.

"Okay", Mattheo said.

Mattheo's pov...

Mattheo ran to his friends' compartment, he had to tell them what just happened. He had seen the girl that left him in Hogwarts. Mattheo was heartbroken when she left. He loved her and she left. Mattheo didn't know why she left but he was supposed she was going to tell him.

"You can't believe who I just saw", Mattheo told his friends.

"Who did you see?", Enzo asked giving him a look.

"Alexia Campbell", Mattheo said.

Enzo, Archer, Draco, Blaise, and Nott looked shocked. Enzo and Archer knew this was the girl he loved. Theo, Draco, and Blaise didn't know that. Enzo and Archer were the only person Riddle trusted and his best friends. Alexia Campbell was the girl everyone fell in love with. Blaise and Nott admitted to having a crush on her. Blaise's feelings ended when he started seeing Pansy. Nott had been seeing a girl but nobody knew who

"Well, good luck with that", Enzo said smirking.

"Did you guys talk?", Draco asked curiously.

"I asked her to be my friend", Mattheo told his friends.

"No one can be friends with Lexi without having a crush on her", Nott said smirking at Mattheo.

"I can agree with Nott", Blaise.

Time skip sponsored by my laziness 

Alexia was currently at Hogwarts. She knew Dumbledore would announce her coming back. She was nervous to come back and to see how much it changed since the war came back. She knew Enzo, Archer, Malfoy, Nott, and Zaibini were probably death eaters now.

"We have an announcement to make, " Dumbledore said, making the entire Hogwarts look at him.

"One of our students is coming back, Alexia Campbell", Dumbledore said making Hogwarts scream excitedly.

Alexia smirked seeing how much effect she had on Hogwarts. Every girl and boy had a crush on her. She didn't mind. She liked the attention of both sexes since she was bisexual. The only person she did mind looking at her is Harry Potter and his stupid friends. Alexia heard the sorting hat call her name and she went to get sorted.

"Slytherin", The sorting hat automatically said.

She walked to the Slytherin table, noticing every eye on her. She winked at Archer and he smiled back at her. She wondered if he and Diamond were dating. Diamond has had a crush on him since last year when he had a significant glow-up. Diamond had caught him shirtless and talked about his abs for days.

She sat down next to Diamond and Alice. Theo, Daniel, Archer, Enzo, Blaise, Nott, and Draco were across from her. They all looked at her and smiled. Lexi was close to the boys as she was as close to the girls.  

"We missed you Lexi", Enzo said smiling at her.

"I missed you guys too", Lexi said, realizing how much she missed the boys. 

"Who did you miss the most?", Nott asked smirking.

"Theo", Lexi replied causing all the boys to smirk, including Theo.

"How are you sister?", Daniel asked.

Daniel was her younger brother in 5th year. Alexia decided to go to the other school while her brother decided to stay at Hogwarts. She had to admit her brother can be a bit overprotective over her even though he was younger.

"Good. What about you?", Lexi asked.

"Good", Daniel replied.

"I'm going to my dorm, girls wanna come with me?", Lexi asked.

"Sure", The girls said.

Time skip sponsored by my laziness 

The girls were currently in their dorm. Lexi lay down on her bed and realized how much she missed it. She went through her drawers and found a photo of Mattheo, a photo she took. She smiled at the photo and put her back in her drawer.

"What are you smiling?", Diamond asked her.

"A photo I took of Theo that I decided to keep her", Lexi said smiling.

"Speaking of Mattheo, what happened?", Pansy asked.

"We had a friends-to-benefits agreement but we fell in love", Lexi lied looking down at the floor.

"His dad was part of the reason?", Pansy asked.

"Yes, now can you please stop talking about Theo", Lexi said frowning, looking as if tears were about to come out.

"Okay, let's about Demi and Archer", Alice says smirking.

"What about them?", Lexi said smirking at Demi.

"Archer and I have admitted our feelings toward each other", Demi said blushing.

"Tell me everything", Lexi said.

"Well, we had a date in Hogsmeade and then we started talking if we wanted to be more. He admitted to liking me and we decided to go slow", Demi explained.

"Slow is boring", Lexi said with a fake pout.

"I agree", Demi said.

"I'm tired after that long trip, I'm heading to bed", Lexi said yawing.

"Good night", her friends said.

Word count : 1,049 words 

A/N: Sorry I suck at ending chapters.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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