nineteen // the testimony no one expected

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"I'm not going to lie under oath like everyone has been telling me to do all along. If its honesty you want, its honesty you're going to get. Ryan shouldn't gain custody of his son," Erin stated. She took a breath before she began again. 

"Yes, I know he's my brother and I should be telling you why he should get custody of his son. But he doesn't deserve it. You see, my brother raped Miss. Campbell when we were in high school four years ago at a party. He's laughed about it ever since he did it, which tells everyone around him that he feels absolutely no remorse for his actions. He's never been around kids. I mean, he doesn't even like them so what makes him think his son will be any different? Ryan didn't even know his son existed until a few weeks ago, and all of a sudden he thinks he's fit to raise him? I don't think so. Miss. Campbell has done nothing but give that boy everything she possibly can to provide him with a good life, and she loves him more than anything else in the world. Allie deserves to keep her son. And I feel Ryan shouldn't be allowed to see his son. After everything he's done, he should just leave it alone."

I was stunned. Erin turned on her brother and her entire family for what? For me? Her and I haven't been as close recently as we were back in high school, but the fact she stood up for me and my son brought me to tears. If I get to keep Carter, I will never be able to thank her enough for this. 

We took a recess until the next day, when my witnesses were set to take the stand. When we got there, the first person that was called to the stand was Bubba.

"My name is Darrell Wallace Jr. I am the best friend of Miss. Allie Campbell, and I'm also the godfather of Carter Mason Campbell. Allie has done nothing but care for her son ever since he was born, and never once has complained about having to give up her dreams to raise her son by herself. She works a full-time job during the day while Carter is at pre-school, and spends nights and weekends at home caring for him."

"So, in your opinion, Miss. Campbell should keep custody of her son?"


Chase was next, and he said the same thing as Bubba, even though he hasn't known me nearly as long. It meant a lot to me to have them here for me during this difficult time. I need all the support I can get. 

Court was adjourned and we were all sent home and told to come back the next day. The judge would have his verdict by then. I just hope it goes my way.


okay i updated again which is enough for one night lol

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