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I was a naive little girl who believe myself that i will not have a boyfriend and i accept that. Because i like myself that way being single and independent. Me and my friends always discuss who our ideal type is and sometime we play truth or dare. And i always choose truth and they ask me who's my crush "who's your crush?" My friend said "Umm no one" i said "are you sure? That you don't have a crush?" My other friend said "yes im 100% sure" i said "Why? Why don't you have a crush?" She said "because im not interested on liking someone" will that's what i thought it would be....

It was june, 9,2023 it was exam day for the grade 6 pupils it was the last day of our exam day. But in the morning we will have an  observations from the principal  in science subject. It almost over we just have 1 group project to be done and my teammates was my bestfriend chelou, my enemy david, and my former seatmate jessie, and lastly my enemy Jack who i hated so much that I would rather die than being he's teammate. The project was easy we just have to place the picture into the right order. The observation was done and it was recess time then Jack came to me "Hey Claire can you treat me for recess? Plss" Jack said "alright fine you can come with us" i said in defeat "yay!"

It was during the exam when jack came to me "can you give me the answer for number 25?" He said "No why would i? You should just learn you know" i said to him " I know i just don't understand the question"he said " you want me to teach you?" I offered to him "yeah sure"

It was now 11:20 am and the class was dismissed. I was gathering my stuff so i can go home to eat lunch but then i heard a voice behind me "Hey! Claire can we go together my house is just a few blocks away from you" Jack said "umm sure"
We were walking together with my friends and then we part ways. Then the next day we become best friend

That's what I thought.... Then I suddenly realize that I was falling in love with my enemy/best friend jack...

Im so soryy this is short this is my first time writing a story and English is my second language so please don't mind my incorrect grammar

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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