Chapter 2

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"Oww,, my head hurts.
What happend?

I slowly open my eyes.
,,Where am i?" I whispered.

I am in a big room lying on a King sized bed.

As i get up i Look down at me and see that im not wearing my Dress from yesterday.

Did someone change me?

I am now wearing some big grey sweatpants and a oversize black t-shirt.

I need to find Out where i am.
I found 3 doors.

Should i just go through one.
What if there is a Masked killer behind the door.

I am standing infront of the first door when im hearing foot steps.
Shit- i thought.

I sprinted back into the bed and pretended i was sleeping.

I hear the door open and a deep man's voice talking.

I dont understand what He is saying, it Sounds like italien.

After he left i open my eyes again.
Now i know what door i have to go trough.

I quietly get up and open the door.

This house is so big!
Im going down the left side of the hallway.

I walk through a big dinner hall to the other side of the building.

I wanted to give up.
I couldn't find anyone who could help me.

I wanted to go back to the room i woke up in when i saw a door which has a small gap open.

As i come near the door i hear a mans voice beging for his life.

I slowly peek my head through the door wothout the people inside seeing me.

There is a man lying with his head on the floor while another man was pressing a gun to his head.

I was shocked.

The man lying on the floor was beging for his life.
,,Please i wont betray u again" He says almost crying.

,,Shut up" says The man with the gun in a deep voice.

He Sounds just like the man who has been in the room earlier.

Suddenly i hear a gunshot.

I Look back in the room.
The man on the floor is... dead.
Blood is sprayed everywhere.

A gasp leaves my mouth when i saw that.
What just happend.

The man with the gun Seemed to have heard me.
He turns around and saw me looking through the door.
It was the boy from yesterday.

I feel someone grabbing me from behind and push me against the wall.

,,Why are you spying on Mr. Gallo!" Someone says in a mad vioce.

Before i could say anything the boy from yeaterday came out of the room.

,,Hello Amelia" He says.
How does He know my name?

,,I- I- I- " i cant say anything.
I am to nervous and scared.

,,Take her to her Room again, i'll be coming in a Minute" He says.

I got taken to the room again from the man who pushed me against the wall.
It seemed like it was his Bodyguard.
But why would He need a Bodyguard.

Why would He kill this innocent man.
What is wrong with him.

My thoughts are jumbled up.
I cant think of anything Straight.


I am sitting on the bed when i hear someone come in.
It is the boy from earlier.

,,How are you feeling?" He asks me.
,,Good" i say scared.

,,I havent introduced me yet. My Name is Alessandro and you are Amelia right?"
I nod my head still in shock about what just happend.

,,Why Do you know my name?" I ask.
,,I know alot about you, but thats not the point right now" He says.

,,You will not Tell anyone what you just saw. If you Do the same thing will happen to you" He says as i Look at him in shock.

We Look at eachother and i see how his eyes fall down on me.
I decided to break the silence.

,,Do you know what happend yesterday night?" I ask quietly.
He nods without taking his eyes of me.

,,My cousing was a little... not good to you. So i came to help you." He says.

I remeber again.

,,Wait Conor is your cousing?" I ask and he nods.

Conor threw something at my face.
I thouch my face with my Fingers and feel a bandage on it.

,,Did you put that on?" I ask.
He nods.

,,Did you also change me?" I ask as i feel my face get Red.

He gets a little smirk on his face.
,,No it was my Maid doing that" He says amused.

We Look at eachother in silence again and i feel him getting closer when suddenly his phone rings.

He answers his phone and directly speaks aggressive italien.

He stops the call for a second to Tell me ,,You are gonna stay here for some time. It was a Hard day for you, maybe you can take a little break. I'll see you tomorrow".

I nod as He goes back to talk italien on his phone.
He leaves and i lay down in bed and fall alseep right away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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