week 15

96 2 8

Nobody's pov

Its the week 7 of quarter 2 times is moving by and paintbrush misses being sit mates with lightbulb , they didnt like they're new seat mate base ball , as the teacher was doing a lesson , a note was passed to paintbrush while they are writing , they open to note , the hand writing seemed familiar to them , the note read "hey painty , how are ya , its been a while since i sat next to you , and judging  by your expression , you really  dont like your new seat mate , by *lb*" paintbrush thinks for a moment then writes in the piece of paper and gave it to her , paintbrush wrote "hi , i really do miss you lighty , and yes your totally correct , i hate him" , she gave a warm smile to the note as lightbulb reads it  , she writes and passes the note when the note reached to paintbrush , they didnt notice it for a while , until some one tells them , they read it and it says "haha well i guess its only for this quarter , just two weeks left ^_^" heh thats quite adorb paint brush said in their mind , they continue writing and passing the note , until the teacher noticed and ask what are paintbrush and lightbulb writing in the sheet of paper , paintbrush did not say anything , but lightbulb , "were having a little talk about what happened yesterday" they were talking about something else though , the teacher believed them and continued the lesson , test tube gave a little smirk to paintbrush and said "i know you two are not talking about yesterday i saw a bit of the things that were writen in it , hah" paintbrush gave an annoyed look but didnt say anything , they just had crossed arms , but when lightbulbs note comes they had a smile on their face and no crossed arms , test tube and fan became suspicious with them , so fan gave a little glance , he only saw "that sounds like a plan sure!" In lightbulbs hand writing  , they became more curious , so at lunch fan and test tube confronted paintbrush about it , paintbrush just got a bit mad , "its non of your business"  fan replied to that "ofcourse it is , what if you two are flirting?" To wich Paintbrush says "were not *sigh* were talking about the date (from before)" test tubes replied "date , since when did you two went on a date?" Paintbrush quickly replies "non your business!" In test tube and fans mind they are saying "they are hiding something" so they just went to lightbulb , to ask her , but she just did the same but more polite ,

Lightbulb : Sorry i cant say

Fan : please just say it!!

Lightbulb : *clears throat* please fuck off

And lightbulb smiles at them , so fan and test tube went back to the class room to find the note , but then test tube noticed that lunch is about to end , so fan and test tube went quicker , until fan found it , "i found it" test tube was excited to see whats in the note ,

Hah another cliff hanger (im so evil >:])

Anyways the reason for the cliff hanger , is because im working on another story , heh , also i cant believe  i managed to update after 1-2 days °-°

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