01 - intro

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Dane had moved across the country to find a new job and a new beginning to his life. His heart was broken after a divorce and he really needed a change. Something that would help him forget the past and embrace the future.

He found a new job very quickly and a large but humble one bedroom apartment. He would often smile when he thought of his new little home and how it was his alone and he could hide there from the world, enveloped in his own warm and safe refuge.

Dane didn't much enjoy making friends. Devastating betrayals through his life left him mistrusting of most people and he was very slow to warm up to anyone. Often pondering what their angle was when someone was nice.

But then one day he partnered with Shae for a job. They spent a week together out of town and in close proximity. She was kind and sweet, though sometimes a little abrupt and refreshingly honest. She was however not judgemental and it was easy to open up with her. They soon became very chummy. Dane found himself looking forward to spending time with her each day. Shae was damaged as well in her own ways and both soon found solice in sharing issues and listening warmly as the other shared their pain.

It wasn't long before both had become so open that mild flirtations were presented. Shae desperate to feel strong found Dane to be very accepting of her wanting to take control of even the simplest of activities. He would smirk as she would command their next move and soon she took notice of his amusement.

"You like that don't you?" Queried Shae with a a small smirk herself.
"Yes, I like it a lot." Dane would reply with a warm smile."
Shae would turn back to her work with a self satisfied and mildly excited smile as Dane continued as well, growing increasingly attracted to his workmate.

They continued flirting as the week went on and a few times Shae would call Dane "Big Daddy". To which he would request she said it again and with a delighted curl to the edge of her mouth she would simple reply, "Big Daddy".

But she had a boyfriend so Dane would not press any further. Dane had just broken up with a woman and thought he should take some time to be alone anyways. He hadn't dated the lady long, but he didn't feel like himself in the relationship. It seemed confusing and obviously he didn't have a good enough sense of himself without his ex-wife to know who he really is, at least enough to commit to anyone else.

Dane allowed himself to enjoy Shae's company though and sneeked a sly glance at her body from time to time. Letting his eyes linger on her sweet but mischievous smiles. How sweet might those lips taste against his own? When her head was turned he allowed his eyes to caress the ample curve of her breasts. Oh how he longed to see them free and considered to himself what shade her nipples must be. Then there were her hips, her jeans hugged them tightly and showed off her gorgeous ass. So lovely, so eager he was to grab them, if only he could. She was a very tall for a woman and ruggedly built but still retained a enticingly femine shape. Dane was captivated and though she was large, she was still smaller then him.

His face was striking, tanned by the sun they often worked under and his beard was kept neat and trimmed short. Dane's shoulders were wide and strong giving him a very imposing build which Emily commented on as being  slightly afraid of as she usually felt equal in stature to the average man. She wasn't used to being made to feel like the weaker sex. Dane relished the thought of her feeling vulnerable in his presence, but they both knew she would always be his mental superior, commanding his obedience with the slightest of looks and softest of words. They were both vulnerable to each other and they both knew, and loved it.

After the job was over they did not have the pleasure of pairing up again, but remained friends. They kept their respectfully distance. Shae had a boyfriend after all and Dane had his pursuits. So occasionally they had couples dinners or went out for lunch, seemingly always shaparoned by Shae's sister if Emily was stag.

Until that night Dane asked Shae and her sister over for an experiment in paellas.

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