~Family Reunion~

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(Sorry the previous chapter was short this one will be longer I promise)

Rose POV

I turned around to see that the strange man was gone. Thank God. Tristan pulled on the sleeve of my shirt, and I looked down at the five year old boy that was now my child.

'Not yet. He hasn't marked us yet. He has to mark us as his mother first.' Selena reminded.

Tristan started growling and I whipped around to stare at him and he grabbed my wrist with foggy eyes and quickly marked me as his mother. When he pulled back he looked at me with wide, no longer foggy, blue eyes. 

"I'm sorry my wolf kind of took over. Are you mad?" he asked worried.

"No baby I'm not." I comforted. 

"Can I call you Momma?" He asked a few hours later making me freeze in my tracks for a few seconds. 

I nodded smiling at the warm feeling in my heart. His eyes welled with tears, and I immediately became worried. Did I say something.  He looked up at me and my heart broke. Damn child bond now I have mothering instincts. That could slow me down when I'm breaking in. No I can't let him get hurt because I brought him along so I'll have to find him a safe place to hide him. I can hide his scent or teach him how to hide it. Back to the task at hand find out what's wrong with him... my child, my baby, my world. 

"What's wrong baby?" I cooed. 

"I miss my sissy. We got separated when we ran." He said at the edge of sobbing. 

"Do you remember where you got separated?" I asked not thinking about my words. 

He nodded, still teary eyed, and pointed back from where we had just come from.

"We saw a big black wolf and went to hide. We got separated from each other and now I really want her." He said now sobbing. 

'So someone was following us maybe it was his sister.' Said Selena clicking the pieces together. 

Oh God, I have to find her we are really close to pack boarders and if she wondered into a pack as an orphan. No, I yelled at myself nothing will happen to her because I will find her. Another child I might as well open an orphanage for pups goddess help me now.

"Well come on Tristan we have to find your sister. We are to close to pack boarders and we can't let them find her first. If we shift then we will be able to find her sooner. Do you have anything of hers? That would make it quicker." I said quickly on the edge on panicking. 

"Yeah mommy I have her necklace that she gave to me when we ran so that she wouldn't lose it. We never though that we could get separated."

"Give it to me so that I can have her scent. Life lesson: if your gonna track someone it help to have their scent and if they try to hide it then you will have a sample. Pack wolves can't hide their scent as long as we can." I said stuffing his and my clothes in my bag. 

"Momma what are we?" he asked he gave me the necklace and shifting. 

I gave him a simple, short answer in the emotionless voice that I had always used. "Rouges" He didn't look phased he looked like I was just talking about the weather.

I had met pack wolves I had a friend in a pack and I hid my scent just so that she knew I was a wolf but so she didn't know I was rouge. I had told her when I thought that we were good friends and that I could trust her. She alerted the alpha and I barley escaped with my life and I knew that I could never trust anyone again. I had know this girl for almost 2 years and because she found out that I was rouge she called the alpha and I was almost killed. I mean I don't care that she had done that its the look that she gave me. Disgust, anger, disappointment, and pity and I hate to be pitied I hate it. It makes me feel weak and useless and I hate it. But Tristan he doesn't care and that confuses me anyone that I have ever known that has found out that I'm rouge tries to change me or kill me.

I'm getting distracted. Find my baby's sister, then deal with my own emotions. I took a big breath of the scent that was on the necklace. I let the shift take over. I nudged Tristan with my paw and took off into a slow run that he could keep up with I followed the scent to a small cave which I could NOT fit into I used the link that had been created when we bonded.

"Tristan shift back and get two big t-shirts out of my bag. There is no way in hell that I will be able to fit in there. Just go in there get her to come out. Tell her that I can mark her too if she wants and if not then I'll just be there and protect her. Just say whatever it takes to get her out of there we are in pack territory and it's not safe. So we have hurry."  I begged nuzzling him with my nose. 

He nodded and did as I told him I stood watch while he went in to get his sister. I will NOT let anything happen to these children they will be warriors fighters and when I get a chance I will leave them in a pack. They don't deserve this kind of life they are children and need a mother father a roof over their heads and food to eat. Children can't always worry about food or have to be alert even when they sleep. They need to have fun not constantly looking over their shoulder worrying about if they get caught what will happen. Praying that they can live to see tomorrow. Hoping that they can sleep through the night and not get attacked or killed. No I have to find a pack to take these kids if I had a mate then I would keep them. But I can't have a mate. No mates make you vulnerable and vulnerability makes you weak and if your weak you get killed.

My parents raised me to be a fighter a warrior a solider and most importantly to never trust anyone. They put me through test after test each time I passed. Each time made a new scar and a new lesson. I was raised to always be alert and when I go into heat run to water some place cold its instinct every lesson is a new instinct a new scar and these kids have seen and been through enough already. My best memory with my parents is learning how to sneak into pack for supplies.

While I was in my day dream, Tristan and his sister where emerging from the cave. She was a brown headed girl with the same tear filled eyes as her brother when I first found him. I shifted back and pulled on another one of my older brothers t-shirts. I don't often wear a normal outfit because I'm usually in my wolf form. They looked so cute and you could tell they were twins and very close. From the way that they were holding onto each other.

"Who is she Tris?" the little girl asks pointing to me.

"This is my mommy Lilah."

"No mommy got hurt and mommy has brown hair and brown eyes." Lilah said to her brother.

The clock is ticking it's only a matter of minutes before the patrol team spots us. I'm surprised that they haven't already, but I mean I'm not complaining. But I knew we couldn't stay here much longer. I didn't want to push my luck, no that I have any. 

"Okay look I'll explain everything later but right now we are in pack territory and we need to get out unless you wanna fight your way out." I said. 

"Okay mommy." They BOTH responded. Weird, weren't they just arguing about who their mother was. 

'Nope look at her wrist.' God does my wolf ever stop interrupting my thoughts. 

I looked down at her wrist and saw the same mark that is on mine and Tris'. An infinity sing inside an infinity sign. She is related to Tristan and when I marked him I unknowingly marked her to. Well that's weird but yeah okay.

"Okay kids do you wanna run or do you wanna ride on my back?"

"Ride." They both said simultaneously. Damn that was creepy. I shifted and Tristan grabbed my clothes and put them in my bag. I lowered myself to their level and they clumsily climbed onto my back. We took off and found a place to rest for the night, far away from the pack borders. 


Okay. Hey babes how do you feel about Tristan and Lilah. If you don't know how to pronounce her names it's (Lie-La) yeah. Okay if you have any idea on who the kids could be PM me or comment below.

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