The New Kid 0.1%

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My mom pulled up to the daycare and like I do every morning I begged her to let me stay home.

Momma: "Boy get out of my car and go in that Daycare."

Me: "But daycare is for babies!"

Momma: "It's for kids too! You 9 years old ain't you?"

Me: "Yes ma'am."

Momma: "Well go out there and make some friends."

I never thought that Daycare was for babies, I just don't want to deal with Neiko, the daycare bully. He's a year older than me and bullies the whole daycare but mainly me for some reason. I took Taekwondo lessons when I was 5 but I don't try to fight Neiko because I feel like I've forgotten my moves and I don't want to get beat up and embarrassed.

Neiko: "Well well well if it ain't Malik."

I ignored him and went into the red room for breakfast.

Neiko: "For breakfast there serving sausage and eggs. I want you to give me your food."

Me: "There not gonna let me give out my food."

Neiko: "Well you better find a way to give it to me or you know what's gonna happen."

I waited until Ms. Tina and Ms. Seantrice wasn't looking and I ran to give Neiko my lunch tray.

Neiko: "When I'm done eating your food we're gonna play fight."

Me: "I'm too tired please man I don't feel like it."

Neiko: "You heard what I said."

[Fast forward to after nap time]

Neiko was getting ready to punch my lights out until Ms. Tina came in with a little white girl who I never seen before. The white girl turned her head and smiled creepily at us.

Ms. Tina: "Everyone this is Chloe she's 6 years old. And even tho she looks different from y'all I want everyone to treat her the same. Mattafact I want all of y'all to treat each other the same no matter what their skin color is."

Thankfully mom picked me up early today and as soon as I got home I fell asleep watching My Hero Academia. I was supposed to go to vacation bible study but my mom didn't feel like taking me anyways.

Daycare Murder MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now