Chapter 29

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... (means timeskip)

It has been a few days since the sports festival and people are already recognizing class 1A wherever they go.

Class 1A is currently in their class chatting about how they are now recognized by people until Aizawa enters the class and they head to the desks and sit quietly after greeting.

"Today we are going to be picking your code names or as you'd say, your hero names." Aizawa explained. The class burst into chatter only to shut their mouths once Aizawa actived his quirk, silencing them.

"Fortunately, I won't be determining your names but-" Aizawa was then cut off by Midnight entering the classroom. "I will be in Aizawas place for your name picking!" Midnight declared finishing Aizawas sentence.

"I will be asleep, wake me up once you are all done and only wake me up if someone's about to die." Aizawa said before entering his sleeping bag and going to sleep on the floor in a corner of the room. "Well, now that that's out of the way, pass these boards to the people behind you and right your chosen name, once you got it, come to the front and represent it!" Midnight explained excitedly to the nervous students in front of her.

Izuku wasn't quite sure what he wanted his hero name to be, he had a few ideas in mind but wasn't sure if they'd be good. He then finally picked one and write it down on his board before standing and going in front of the class and showing his board. "Underground hero: Nozomi" Izuku read to which Midnight gave a head pat. "You sure you want to be an underground hero? You would have all the attention if you were a lime light hero instead." Midnight questioned curiously. "I'm sure. I'm not a fan of attention and I'd rather stay unknown to most people than st and out." Izuku explained briefly rubbing his eyes from sleep. "Well nice pick, Nozomi as in hope I see. Great choice!" Midnight praised before Izuku headed to his seat and placed his head on his arms and rested.

Once the others were all finished with their choices (same as anime), they woke Aizawa up and Midnight left to her next class.

"Now, you are all assigned to pick a hero agency from your options to intern at. Remember, you still have to prove yourself to us pro's so no slacking off, got it?" Aizawa asked getting a yes from everyone. He then proceeded to project the amount of people they were asked to intern at, with Izuku's being the highest.

"Those who are on the board will pick from their offers and the others will be handed a sheet of paper to pick from. Each agency has different specialties they foccuse on so keep that in mind. You'll be interning for an entire week. Class dismissed." Aizawa said finished with the topic.


Out of all of Izukus offers, he thought it would be better to go with Aizawa since he was an underground hero and because he is his father. So, after class, Izuku went up to his dad and talked about joining his agency and gave a few reasons. Luckily for Izuku, Aizawa agreed and stamped Izuku's page, making Izuku his intern.

The rest of the day passed by quickly and they headed home. Izuku, like any other night, couldn't sleep so he scrolled mindlessly on his phone and played with the cats that all laid on his bed.


The rest of the week passed slowly but quickly and it was now Monday, the day they split up and go to the agency of their choice. Izuku had no problem from being separated but he was happy he could get away from their all too happy vibes.

He was currently walking with Aizawa towards his agency. It wasn't long before they stood in front of the agency, it wasn't big but it was cozy and functional which was all that really mattered. Aizawa showed him around and introduced him to the few people in the building before having their night patrol and having Izuku learn a few things from Aizawa.

They kept this up and had a few sparing lessons and Izuku learned new moves and did found out a couple of things he could do with his quirk. He improved a lot during his time of interning with Aizawa.

The days were moving faster than Izuku liked and it was already Friday. Aizawa had decided to patrol at Hosu for their last day and so they were currently on the train towards their destination. Izuku was looking out the window when he spotted something flying towards them. He quickly used shadow manipulation and got the people out of the way and he successfully got them away when the thing crashed into the train and did a loud ass screech.

Upon the things, identified as a nomu, impact the train stopped, which gave Aizawa and Izuku the ability to walk without stumbling over. They were about to charge at the nomu but were stopped by someone else charging at it and Izuku recognised him but said nothing and instructed the passengers in the train before heading out after Aizawa.

They spotted a fire happening in the distance and were about to head towards it but Izuku decided it was quicker to teleport instead and so he did. Upon coming into the hot area, they spotted more of the nomus causing chaos and other hero's putting the fire out and keeping the nomus from attacking civilians.

"You have permission to fight when needed!" Aizawa shouted as he dashed to an injured civilian. Almost immediately Izuku attacked a nomu and cut the nomu in half using shadow until he noticed Manuel. "Iida supposed to be his intern but I don't see him anywhere. Unless... He headed for..." Upon realization, Izuku headed towards the alleyways and searched for any signs of Iida but found nothing until he spotted him...

Hero Killer: Stain


Now you wait for the next chapter and suffer as you do 😈. Hope you enjoyed.

Good morning/afternoon/night ✌🏾

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