The news.

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Dolphin Base |10028, 13:03pm

          D444, a rather small troop named Dominic, sat with alone in the mess hall today, Bored and eating a burger. It was quiet till he had gotten a Talkie signal by the HQ. He picked it up, awkwardly, not feeling like doing anything.

         "D444, head to HQ immediately. We have important news." Hm. Alright then.. He had gotten up from his table, threw out his burger and pulled up his balaclava. It took him awhile but he got to HQ, walking as a mission had caused his vehicle to be destroyed. He didn't mind the walk however.

      He opened the office door, fiddling with his fingers. He would walk over and sit down. "Y..Yes? Why have I been called?.." He was nervous, his eyes would flick around the room. This guys is rather big, he gas mask is very menacing..

 "You're being switched to a Arctic base, you have 2 days to put away your things and bring it aboard." The Shouder meeting with him, informed.

  "W-What?!" Dominic was taken aback, too stunned to even comprehend what he was told. "I can't be switched to an Arctic base! They'd kill me in an instant!.." He was terrified of the idea. He wanted to not go but then the Shrouder spoke.

  The Shrouder got closer to his face, "Then just don't fucking die. You'll live if you aren't a pussy." This made Dominic shiver as the Shrouder stood from his desk, "Now hurry up and pack your shit or I'll force you myself."

       Dominic gave a small nod and stood up, speedwalking out the door to his dorm. He was so overwhelmed. He didn't understand the certain change. He did understand that nobody wanted to talk to him because his bad luck in general. He didn't care about that, he's gonna miss the other troops he worked with.

       Even packing up his stuff, he felt bad. It was like his luck was really biting him in the ass this time. 

      He'd finished packing and laid on his bed. He'd say goodbye to the troops at his base, but they wouldn't acknowledge him. He felt like a child. He was always ignored, messed with, yelled at, or down right hated. He noticed there was something wrong with him, this just helping his case. 

      He felt like crying, or what was left, he cried too much in general his tear ducts were probably dried out. His dirty face didn't help either. It only shown it more. Instead, he laid there, staring at his gray ceilings. He couldn't help but feel wrong.

The emptiness was rather heavy. Overwhelming, even, he felt like he couldn't breathe.

D444 gets switched.Where stories live. Discover now