Lube is a thing actually

840 24 1

Live love lube

The Lube Fairy- aka. The bff of every gay kid in fics.

The Lube Fairy flies around making sure that lube is available to whoever needs it. Whether in the janitors closet, or the dark basement bedroom, the fairy makes sure everyone has enough lube to have sex.

"Shit Jack we got no lube." Alex said with a frown.
"Dude, it's okay I got you." Jack said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small tube.

He silently thanked the lube fairy for the kind gift, then proceeded to rip off all Alex's clothes.

Aw what a nice fairy, going around making sure everyone can have dick parties

By the way, I'm going to uni next year to major in giving band ships lube so next time you want to stick your dick into something I got you just call me

Also girls can use lube too wow I know surprise surprise


If you don't use lube in sex you have two dry pieces of skin rubbing and doing the science friction thing it's not nice

Also, can we talk about the fact that in like every Kellic fic ever their bedrooms are filled with lube like every drawer has at least one bottle in it and it makes me uncomfortable.

(Thanks lube fairy)

Also for the love of gerard way please use protection nobody wants STD's

Yes, that means you too random ship nobody gives a shit about.

Also, I'm old af (well not that old because I still say af) but I'm so pumped for the new Phineas and Ferb spin off show omg

Byee see you next time I decide to continue sharing my shitty opinions with the world

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