In the realm of wealthy elite, fate intertwines the lives of Samuel Lorenzo Moretti, a powerful CEO, and Lilyanna, an aspiring fashion designer. A chance encounter leads to a bold proposition, Samuel offers Lilyanna a deal to pose as his fake girlfriend in exchange for financial support and help in her fashion career.
As they navigate the complexities of their fake relationship, genuine emotions begin to surface, blurring the lines between pretense and reality. Lilyanna grapples with the dilemma of following her heart or sticking to the arrangement.
Will their agreement blossom into true love, or will it only bring heartbreak and regret in the end?
Moretti Series 2: Fires of Desire
RomanceSamuel Lorenzo Moretti, an influential CEO, strikes a deal with Lilyanna an aspiring fashion designer whom he encounters at a high-end bar. However, due to the influence of alcohol, She is unaware of her actions and causes a commotion at Samuel's ta...