What if I said

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Thirteen, uplifting,even a seeds sprouting can disturb the serenity in the meadow, where
overexploitation like lumbering in a meteonic way never exist.

So it is, what means to every teenager such as Mr.Left,any slight swap will reclaim his sense of adventure.

Straying in this monotonaus world, he's unwavering about taking risks since it might help him navigate the colours bottled up by tedious rules and regular deployments.

A blueprint floats in his mind, pieces of tasks are listed turbulently. They're so trivial that it can be regarded as stores fell into a rugged terrain, stretching to the eternal circle of the aimless and repressed life that Mr.Left can't bear night now .

He's likely to give it a crazy try .
Maybe someone's enlightening discourse is able to bring him back from adrift to self-asserted feelings, but there's nobody.

Then Mr.Left stays in the dark,waiting for stars to come.Somehow he'd always been a child in my mind,crazy and naive.

What if I said,tomorrow is another day;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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