The Letter 🐀

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Hey, I'm sorry it's been a while since we last talked.

In the time since we've gotten back to Jumanji, so many things have changed.

The biggest change of all was my house, it wasn't dark or gloomy anymore, it was bright and colourful like it had been in the photos before you went missing.

Another change was you attending school with me, that is, until I dropped out. I couldn't handle the entire school liking you better, and hating me just like they did before.

Our parents weren't happy about me dropping out to the say the least. I got a job teaching self defence on the weekdays and teaching archery on the weekends.

You and our parents haven't seemed to realise I barely live at home anymore. I'm out living my life all day, and at night I'm at Spencers house.
He's the only one I talk to still, well I mean, I talk to Bethany and Fridge sometimes, but only like once a month.

I really wish that I could go back to Jumanji, I regret ever leaving in the first place, but Fridge didn't give me a choice.

Spencer hasn't been as close with the others since we got back too, to be honest, nothing is really the same as it was in the game.

Together, Spencer and I have tried all sorts of video games and consoles to find a way into the video game world again, but to no avail.
Spencer said he'd keep working on it and lete know if he found a game he thought would work.

Spencer thinks he's getting really close to figuring something out, but he won't tell me. I just want to get away from this world for once.

After everything we all went through in Jumanji, I thought we'd be closer. I miss you guys. I miss him.

Are you going to tag along on another adventure?

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