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Just the Two of Us!
Sender: Xingqiu
Date: 10/9/20

Today is my birthday. My father and brother insisted on having a
party at our home, despite my protests.
Another occasion to oblige guests with glasses filled with wine and
tea, another occasion for me to put on a performance- how
FortuInately, I was able to slip out the window when no-one was
paying attention. Hehe...
I brought you some pastries, made by yours truly. Don't tell anyone~
Let's find a quiet place to enjoy the scenery and chat... chat about anything! How does that sound?

What I Want to Do on My Birthday!
Sender: Xiangling
Date: 11/2/20

I was all-prepared to hop into the kitchen, but my dad told me that I couldn't help out at the restaurant on my birthday, and instead I should go hang out with friends..
Oh, what have you been up to these days?
Picking Matsutake!? Gathering Bird Eggs!? Catching Slimes!? ...Wait, that's what I usually do. Hmm.. You've been... looking for chests?
Whatever! Let's go have some food.
There's nothing more enjoyable than cooking a tasty meal
for friends!
I'll make you some of Wanmin Restaurant's authentic Boiled
Fish! And then, you can tell me what you think of the flavor!

See You Tonight!
Sender: Keqing
Date: 11/20/20

I've put a few more hours in these last two days to finish all
the work I might have in the near future.
Since it's my birthday, I'l show you around Liyue Harbor.
The night markets here are full of places to go. Between the
shops that sell artisan handicrafts and those who hawk
little gadgets and trinkets, even a light stroll is well worth
your time.
I'll change into more ordinary clothes, and disguise myself a
little, so I don't get recognized by the citizenry.
That way, we can spend some leisure time shopping
together - just the two of us.

What Should I Do?
Sender: Sucrose
Date: 11/26/20

Maybe there's something to the saying that you will be especially lucky on your birthday. Today's experiments went very smoothly, and I'm on the verge of a breakthrough.
But... but even so, I feel quite troubled right now. Rationality dictates that I should stay up to do those experiments and get results as soon as possible, and if I put my experiments aside just to
go see you, I might just bring you extra trouble instead.
But I can't help but think about how great it would be if you could be here to witness the fruits of my labor...
Err, I-I'll get back to my experiments now!

Speaking of Which.
Sender: Kaeya
Date: 11/30/20

Why, if it hadn't been for a certain Someone's throwaway remark, I might have forgotten that today was my birthday.
Which is just as well - I haven't had cause for any private celebrations for a long time.
Hmm, how do you think I should approach a day such as this?
Haha, relax. I'm just fishing for your opinion. I am, unfortunately, not well-versed in matters of this sort.
How mysterious. When you're around, the truth just slips out of me at times. I must have had a glass too many, I fear.
Still, I suppose a little honesty with oneself couldn't hurt.
Want to have a few more drinks with me? I'll have the bartender bring you something non-alcoholic.
Good drinks loosen lips, as they say.
Don't worry, I have plenty of stories... and plenty
of time.

I Hope This Finds You Well
Sender: Zhongli
Date: 12/31/20

This is the final day of the year.
Thinking back upon the years past at this time never fails to make me sigh. Mortal lives are like fish swimming amidst the rapids, or like vegetables growing beneath boulders.
They are weak yet strong, transient yet timeless... truly
This year has been one of many more changes than usual. Of these variables, meeting you was the most memorable. How will someone as unique as yourself spend days of birth?
I am well-apprised of the more common practices, but I am
curious as to your method of celebration.
I am still getting used to a simple life such as this. It is a
shame, but idle days do not seem to pass more easily than
hectic ones.
Would you happen to have a day free? I would like to take a stroll.
With your companionship, perhaps even familiar sights may yet appear new once more.

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