
404 1 62

Ship: Minsung
   -Siren au
-Pirate au
-Relatively normal w/ different emotion..

FirefliesAtTwilight  Thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy! Xx

Minho's POV

We knew there'd be a storm by the looks of the clouds and how the tide slowly etched inwards through the day but, now that we were in it, there was no way out.

We were being pulled in all sorts of directions. At any moment, the vessel would collapse; the worst fear of a sailor.

If we weren't to be killed by the raging waves and sharks swarming the rocks nearby, we'd be taken by the bloody creatures down under...


"Captain, how're we looking?" J.Y looked back at me with a hateful glare.

"What do you think Minho?" I shook my head "It's no use captain, we won't make it." He huffs gripping the outshooting pegs on the helm.

"We will make it Lee Minho, I never fail to return a ship home." I deadpan at him. Ask The Judas Hail about that then...

I ran down towards the men on deck.

"Oi, hoist the topsails out by 3, we need to get her moving west!"

Men rushed to the deck desperately trying to refit the vessel so that we could get out of the storm as soon as possible.

I look around finding our youngest man in a corner too scared to move.

'Poor boy..'

"Yang Jeongin, why are you in the corner? We need you now more than ever!" He shook his head cowering in the corner

"Sir, I-I can't do it. We're all going to die. We won't make it, I never got to tell my mother I loved her." I shook my head "There's no time for that, we're going to be just fine so get moving so we can get outa here quickly!"

I knew we were going to die but, how could I do that to the poor lad? He's barely even begun living, I'd hate myself if he died without hope.

Before I could do something a big boom sounded throughout the air.


The ship began shaking and cracking. All the movement had the men on board falling to their knees and off the ship. I tried my hardest to keep everyone from falling overboard, but my troubles were left in vain.

"Captain! What do we do? There's only one boat, we'll all never make it out of here!"

And just like that before we could say or do anything the ship cracked right down the middle all of us falling down the sides and into the sea.

The distant screams of our sworn enemies could be heard down below the surface.

I had long lost Jeongin, I'm sure he'd be ok for now, he's a smart and reliable kid.

I quickly climbed into a boat laying flat on the bottom; they couldn't know I was there.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't find a single soul in the waters, I couldn't hear splashing or desperate yells for help or struggle.

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