Graduation Day

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Soft melody played in the background, and Estella hummed along with the tune as she twirled her wine glass in a gentle motion, sloshing the dark red liquid inside. Parties bore her most of the time, even back in the palace. But for this she would gladly make an exception.

After all, she would be leaving the Academy tomorrow and finally return home after three long years.

Emotions raged inside her. On one hand, she was glad that her studies were over. At last, she could follow her dream of serving in the Royal Army and helping her kingdom. But then that would mean leaving everything she had come to love...

They had talked about it during the weeks that followed after the final exams. Nox was adamant that he would be fine; as a Class B Knight, he could get more privileges next year and a lot of options after he graduated. He could follow her if he wanted, and he promised that he would.

And that was the problem. Estella knew that she would like receive a position and an assignment days after her return. She wouldn't see Nox for months, maybe even until his graduation, and that was enough to make her stomach start twisting into knots.

Are you afraid that someone will try to seduce me while you're gone? his teasing question came, clear and sharp through their Resonance.

Estella didn't hide her displeasure. Yes.

Relax. I'm not that kind of guy. I'm only yours, now and forever.

As I am yours. She managed a smile at that. Where are you anyway? The dance will start soon.

Talking with the Headmaster. I'll be with you soon.

Knowing the Headmaster, it would be a while before Nox finished talking with him. Estella spent the next few minutes drinking her wine and looking around, merely observing and listening. The celebration was held in the Great Hall, and all of the students and teachers mingled, conversations and laughter filling the area.

"Why are you alone?"

Estella looked up and smiled. "I can say the same for you. Nice suit, by the way."

Aldros snorted and sat beside her on an empty chair. Dressed in grey and his hair oiled, he looked both intimidating and handsome at the same time. "Thought I'd join you for a moment. Our Squires seem to have forgotten that we exist."

Estella laughed softly. She had seen Erian talking with a nice-looking girl earlier. "Let them have fun. We were much the same last year."

"That's true." He glanced at her sideways. "Are you having fun?"

Humming in thought, it took Estella a few seconds before she answered, "I am. We are finally graduating, Al."

"After three years." He sighed. "You still planning to enlist?"

Estella hesitated briefly. "I'm considering."

There was a pause. Aldros regarded her curiously. "It's Nox, right?"

"Yes. It's going to be a long year for the both of us." She took a sip of her wine, then finally admitted, "I don't know. I've always wanted to serve Faven, but now..."

"You're not sure." It wasn't a statement. Aldros had known her for so long they were like brother and sister already; they could understand each other.

She nodded. "I... want to stay with him longer. One year isn't just enough. And a year without him seems..." She shook her head and filled her lungs with air.

He was silent for a moment. "Why don't you stay?" he said at last.

She glanced at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

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