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°Tamaki's POV°

I've been scolded by manager the next day when she heard about my personal outburst and told me to take a break just for today before moving most of my work tomorrow. Which means that I won't be attending practices in the studio for the time being.

"Just make sure to timer everyone's meal schedule next time, Tsumugi-chan. We don't want anyone skipping..."

"Right. A thousand apologies... I was handling some delivery calls. Apparently, our personal designer of clothes that got bribed by a bigger opportunity and just quit on the spot. Do you have any personal designers that can make 12 outfits for the upcoming concert?"

"None. But Yuki-san knows one... Just not sure if he would take the offer..."

I huffed and didn't bother eavesdropping more of their conversation. Great... Just great! Not only I'm suspended in practices, I can't also work. And on this dance session, it's Momorin who's mentoring. Lucky bastards... What am I gonna do now? Go back to the dorm, I guess.

I pulled my hoodie and shoved my hands into my pocket, grumpily. I slightly touch the mark TenTen left in my cheek and it still stings.


"Yotsuba-san, a moment?" It was TenTen and he wasn't wearing his pajamas. Unlike us, he has to be somewhere with Momorin. I stopped the music from my phone before turning to face him, still mad about what happened, but not much anymore after I have eaten.

"What do you want? Hear to slap me again and apologize this time?" I sassed, but he only shook his head and put his one hand from his hips.

"I did not regret slapping you, Yotsuba-san. What you did was really out of the line..." he corrected and his calm approach is only pissing me off more. Says the guy who walks out over small mistakes... "If you are here to give me more of your stupid lectures, I'm not in the mood. Thanks to you, I felt like a kid getting called in the principal's office!" I complained.

"I have no faults or reasons to keep it hidden from the president to begin with. If you won't shape yourself up from apologizing to Sougo-san, then forget about practicing or singing with us for the rest of the week..." he warned.

"WHAT?! How is that my fault?! He's the one who ruined the routine! Won't you have done the same thing to Rikkun, hah?!"

"Riku was an idiot for joining you at his own will and neglected himself. However, Sougo-san went straight to practicing after shooting because you made him practice with us, so you can complete and master the routine. You are being rashful and negligent. Trying to complete a dance in just a week despite your partner's condition..." he reminded, catching me a little off guard.

"I'm doing exactly as you said! Isn't that what you want, TenTen?!" I yelled, my hands turning into a fist and he noticed it, making him reach out and force it open.

"Yes. However, you've been following me so well that it made you gave no room for your own opinions. I hated it when people like you always agree on everything I said. Don't disgust me with that unprofessional attitude of yours and messed it up for the others. Think about what you want for once. I don't hold your future..."

That is the first time he slapped me... and be mean to me. I thought TenTen was the kindest person to me, but I was wrong. He was the worst. From how he treat me and Rikkun. He have no rights scolding me like I'm some kid. I know what I want and that's finishing the dance. Because that's not the only choreography we're learning.

The concert might be held on the 9th of July, but with the schedules from most shows, live, photoshoot and commercial, we're also running out of time. It's a 10-hour concert with such little time. Of course I want it done as soon as possible...

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