Chapter I: C₁₀H₁₂N₂O (Serotonin)

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Walter H. White knows that what he is doing is illegal. He knows that, if ever found out, he'd lose it all. He knows.

But at the same time, how could he ever stop? The money selling meth produces is too good. He needs it for himself and his son, Walter White Jr. And cooking meth is in its own perverse way, really fun.

So when Walter Jr. one day begs him to "please buy him tickets for the Harry Styles concert in Albuquerque!", he simply can't say no. He loves his son. So buying two tickets for them is a no-brainer. Especially because he nowadays definitely has enough money to buy the tickets.

Even if he...has no idea who this "Harry Styles" person is. Oh well, it's for his son.

"Are you sure you really want the tickets as your birthday present, Walter Jr.?" Walt asks while hovering over the "buy" button with his mouse.

Walter Jr. whines "Yes, daaad...!". Unbeknownst to his parent, Walter Jr. has been waiting for this concert for literal years. So yes, he is absolutely sure. 

"Well, if you say so." the teacher sighs, finally presses the buy button, and gets his son his birthday present: VIP tickets to the Harry Styles concert.  Walter Jr.'s face lights up and the father knows that it's worth it. "Apparently the concert is still a few weeks away. Why do they sell the tickets so early?" Walt complains. "Duh, because Harry Styles is like, the most famous singer ever!" his son answers. Walter Sr. cocks an eyebrow "If you say so... still haven't heard his name ever before." 

"That's because you're old, Dad." The student teases. Walter Sr. rolls his eyes but doesn't argue. His son is...right after all, the teacher thinks.

The next few weeks pass by in a blur. For Walter Sr., life is just like always; teach Chemistry in high school during the day, and cook methamphetamine with his partner, Jesse Pinkman, during the night. He needs to make up for the money he spent on the tickets. Unsurprisingly, VIP tickets with an exclusive autograph session are not cheap. Especially if it's a high-tier celeb like Harry Styles.

Teaching, as always, is only little rewarding. To be honest, Walt would rather quit his job than continue teaching ungrateful, hormonal teenagers. But he knows he can't. He's stuck in this cycle. Working as a teacher, making a subpar amount of money only to again work through the night to make the actual money cooking meth. But what can he do? It'd be suspicious if he still brings home loads of money even if he quit his job. His son is already wondering how he managed to buy so many new items in just a few months. So Walt tries to avoid the topic altogether.  

Cooking, as always, is greatly rewarding. Little needs to be said about how selling meth is his main source of income. And how it's way more thrilling than teaching, too.

Walt actually used some time in between workshifts to look up his son's favourite celebrity. Harry Styles was in his late twenties, a singer-songwriter and apparently one of the hottest celebrities alive. Well, Walter had to admit, he definitely agreed on that. Just thinking about some of the pictures he found online made his cheeks warm up. His angelic wavy hair looked like the finest of silk. His cutting, well-defined cheekbones along with his stern eyebrows. But Walt's favourite features are definitely Harry's sparkling blue eyes and his blinding smile. And, of course, the music. He always condemned modern music, choosing to rather listen to the golden oldies. But Harry's music is just...special. His songs make him so emotional. Sometimes he's even tearing up while listening to "Sign of The Times". Needless to say, Walter became an avid listener.

 It's late at night, two days before the big concert and Walt is drained. He worked himself to the ground the last few weeks. So he can't really fault himself when his mind slips while cooking.

More than just a chemical reaction (Harry Styles x Walter White)Where stories live. Discover now