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Gulf and Mew exchanged surprised glances as they watched Rain hurl himself at the guest with a gleeful smile. However he was stopped short and painfully pulled aside by the bodyguards who restrained him in case he was a threat. It didn't go as well it should have. Rain, baffled by the treatment lost his balance completely and hit the floor hard making his doe eyes fill with tears while the bodyguard who had handled Rain with such roughness was knocked off his feet by the guest which further shocked everyone.

"Kinn, I'll appreciate it if you'll ask your bodyguards to keep their hands off my baby. I'll let it go this time since you didn't know about my affiliation with Rain but it better not be repeated ever." The guest said it in measured tone but the anger beneath it wasn't lost on anyone.

Kinn looked between the two with bewildered expression and it was Vegas who voiced the question everyone was thinking, "How are you related to Rain?"

The guest made his way towards Rain and cradled him in his arms running a soothing hand over his back and murmuring reassuring words to his sniffling baby, "Rain is my boyfriend and fiance."

"WHAT?" Gulf and Mew screeched at the same time.

"What?" Rain squeaked as well.

Mew turned to Rain, "Why are you surprised? Don't you know him?"

"I mean P'Phayu is my boyfriend but fiance part was new to even me."

Kinn sighed, "I think we should all sit down. It seems like a long discussion."

Everyone assembled in the living room, eyeing the new couple with mounting curiosity.

Phayu initiated the conversation, "Rain and I are in relationship. Now I would like to know what is my baby doing here?"

Rain turned to look at his boyfriend, "I came to meet Mew's family. I told you about him. That's Mew, my best friend and that's Gulf beside him, his husband."

"You never told me your friend was mafia."

"Mafia?" Rain blinked slowly and looked at others to explain it to him.

Gulf intervened, "Mew isn't a mafia."

"He is part of your family that's enough to make him one."

"He isn't interested in that side of our family business."

Phayu looked like he wanted to argue but refrained, "Why was my Rain kept in dark?"

Mew looked guilty, "I'm sorry. It wasn't done with any bad intention. I just couldn't tell him about my family. It could have put my family at risk."

Rain pouted, "You don't trust me?"

Mew scrambled to ease Rain's doubt, "That's not true. I didn't want you to be part of any of this. I was just scared you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore if you knew about everything. I'm really sorry, Rain. It was selfish of me."

"It's fine. I forgive you." Rain smiled sweetly.

Phayu sighed, "Rain, learn to be wary of people a little bit at least. You forgive too easily."

"But he's my best friend. How can I stay mad at him? And he's cute, Rain melts before cuteness."

Phayu smiled indulgently at his boy, "Of course, you do."

"Rain wasn't truthful either." Kinn said after a while.

Rain glares at Kinn, "Are you trying to ruin our friendship? P'Phayu told me to not tell others about his connection to the underworld."

"Dad, I'm sure Rain didn't have any nefarious intentions." Gulf admonished.

"I didn't want anyone coming after Rain so I had told him to keep everything about the race circuit and people he met there a secret." Phayu explained.

"That's understandable." Kinn nodded.

"At least we don't have to worry about the sincerity of Nong Rain." Vegas said.

"Rain, you never told me you had a boyfriend." Mew accused.

"It hadn't been long since I met P'Phayu. We started dating last week. I didn't get time to tell you about him."

"You're going to spill all the details later."

"Obviously." Rain agreed enthusiastically.

"We could go on double dates."

Rain said, "That's a welcome idea. We just start planning it."

"Now we can start warming up to Nong Rain. He must've felt left out at the dinner earlier." Kinn exclaimed.

"And who's fault is that?" Gulf rolled his eyes at his father.

"I was just being cautious." Kinn defended himself.

Mew narrowed his eyes at his husband, "It was partly your fault as well, Gulf. You should have told everyone I was bringing Rain over for dinner."

"I forgot. I got busy with some stuff and it slipped my mind."

"Maybe because you're getting old." Rain interjected.

That led to Rain and Gulf getting occupied with their good natured bickering while everyone watched fondly.

Mew suddenly said, "Oh Rain why did you call him daddy?"

The air turned awkward immediately, Phayu looked proud while Gulf was blushing and it looked like Kinn and Vegas were smirking. And Rain, bless the cinnamon roll, he was smiling cutely, "You should Gulf about it."

Gulf choked on nothing, "Um..What?"

Mew turned to Gulf expectantly, "So?"

"Are you serious?"

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

"B-But...... W-How can you not know?"

Rain tsked, "Not everyone is pervert like you, Gulf."

Gulf countered, "Doesn't that make you one as well?"

"Nope. That's applicable for only people like you. Now teach Mewie about daddy and other stuff." Rain smirked.

Gulf blushed harder if possible, "You're mean. Mew, you shouldn't know such stuff. Rain is corrupting you."

"Why? I wanna know." Mew whined.

That concluded their conversation. Phayu and Rain left shortly after, Mew and Gulf went up to their room. They had started sleeping in the same room after Mew fell asleep one night there while talking with Gulf. Since than it has been accepted as unspoken arrangement between them. Neither of them acknowledged it but it didn't bother them at all. It felt good to be able to cuddle with each other every night. It made them grow closer with each other as the time passed.

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