Much To His Dismay(Much To His Delight)

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Authors note: 

Listen, this started out as a writing test, I was supposed to IF I WAS LUCKY WRITE 500 WORDS AND IF I HAD THE ENERGY GET IT TO 900 WORDS... Boy was I wrong. 

You've gotta thank buzzcut__season on Ao3 for that( i recommend their fic 'What's left of our wings' it's Renga!), because all I wanted to do was try to emulate a bit of their writing style, and here we are with 12 k words..... I have never written anything that is this long in my entire life. YOLO(throws in a surfer-dude emoji)(sorry I couldn't help myself). They really inspired me to write this fic, and I wrote like 5 k words in 5 days and then the rest took a whole ass 3 weeks. 

WHICH in hindsight was good because I recently learned that the 22nd is Yosuke's birthday, which I had no clue was happening, so count this as an accidental Yosuke birthday fic.

I'd also like to thank chromsama on Ao3 because their works really helped me when I was in that procrastination slump to write again. So they re-inspired me!

Final word count: 12,817 words. 


He couldn't sleep, Yosuke's head was buzzing with energy making it unbelievably hard to shut his eyes and go to bed. He was in bed, just not asleep, because he couldn't... yes he couldn't. Not when he was remembering everything that had happened the past 24 hours. Not when his brain couldn't stop thinking of a certain gray haired individual, about a little taller than Yosuke himself, and those bright gray eyes.

God, Yosuke couldn't sleep. Not when that laugh, like, like huffs, small and mellow, was wracking his brain, playing on a loop in his head. God , he wasn't going to be able to sleep.

Yosuke turned from his side where he was laying, onto his back, opening his eyes yet again as he had tried, really tried , to get some shut eye. Unfortunately for him that wasn't happening, so he was back to staring into the darkness of his own room. To the ceiling. Right...

Yosuke slapped his hands to his face, dragging them down again with slight force, making his face contort.

"Urgh," he groaned in frustration, sitting up. He was not going to sleep, he had accepted that fact, though he just wanted to sleep , but his brain was buzzing, buzzing . As if something had happened, what had happened exactly? He didn't know! His brain was just filled with incessant memories of the day.

It hadn't been a bad day, not at all, it had been a good day, great even!

It must just be me imagining things , Yosuke thought to himself, layed in his darkened room. It was way past midnight, and not a tv day, for no fog or rain was around. It was a quiet calm night in inaba, nothing was wrong .

So why couldn't he shake the nagging feeling, something in his chest and stomach, burning slightly, he was anxious. What was the issue? Nothing, absolutely nothing , was the answer he gave to himself.

Nothing was wrong, but that was the problem. Something had to be wrong. There was always something.

Jiraiya was not letting something go, Yosuke was not letting something go, something that happened during the day, his day out with Souji, that had been so great.

They had been to Okina, during the day, looking through record shops, and model figurine stores, they had had a hang out, and it had gone exactly like it usually does. But apparently his brain thought differently, something else had happened, he still didn't know what, but something, and nothing was coming up.

Much to his Dismay (Much To His Delight)Where stories live. Discover now