Chapter 8

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He was in his dorm, bored. Today was his birthday.

Mom's probably gonna call...

School was already done and he found out that Joy went to Yonsei too. Apparently she transferred from Korea University which made him gasp.

Who would do such a thing?!

Like it's Korea's top university. Apparently she did because her brother was in this school too and she wanted to be here with him.

Still……who would do such a thing?! Well she would…….

He just opened his phone as he pushed that thought away. He's been relaxing on his bed for the last 15 minutes staring at nothing.

Should I watch some WWE…?

He opened Pacebook and decided to just look at his feed. The first thing that pops up is a post that talks about a new idol debuting. It was Aru and DG is going to debut her in 4 months.

He smiled but then frowned.

I don't wanna hear about DG……

That name makes him overthink a lot. His mind drifts to what he said a few months ago but he just groaned out loud to stop. He continued scrolling but then saw a post with two girls who were soulmates. He closed his phone and put it underneath his pillow as he shifted his positions.

I wonder who my soulmate is……..?

He was just about to fall asleep, he shouldn't considering the amount of homework he has, when his phone rang. This made him jerk from his semi sleep state and he groaned.

Who the hell is calling me?

He grabbed his phone and pressed the power button. It was his mom. He almost forgot she was going to call him. He slid the button across his screen as he answered.


"Hey mom."

It's been a little while since he talked with his mom so he was glad to hear her voice.

"How was your day? I called to wish you a happy birthday. My boys all grown up. You're 19 now."

Daniel could hear his mom's sentimental tone and he huffed a little laughter.

"Thanks mom. I'm doing good. My friend from an old job transferred to this school so more friends I guess."

"Oh that's good. Are you going to do something for your birthday?"

Thing is he didnt know. 

"Yeah I think I'm going to go out with my friends."

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