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Mu Qing had just finished a conversation with Shi Qingxuan, who had been trying to convince him to try some lip balm. He had repeatedly declined, but her persistence wore him down. Now, alone in his chambers, Mu Qing was trying on a red lip balm. However, Shi Qingxuan failed to mention that some of the ones she had gave him were 'permanent.'

Mu Qing stopped what he was doing when he heard his door opened and then when his name was called by his partner, Feng Xin he couldn't help but roll his eyes in annoyance.
Despite their relationship, they still got in arguments or fights at least once a day or more.

"A-Qing!" Feng Xin called out approaching Mu Qing from behind, he grabbed the other mans waist and rested his head on his shoulder, eyes closed.
"Learn how to knock." Mu Qing hissed eyes narrowed.
Feng Xin laughed slightly then opened his eyes amd looked to see what his partner was doing.
And he saw the lip balm in his hands, and Mu Qing heard him start laughing, Mu Qing felt his grip on the container tighten as his eyes twitched.
"A-Qing! I didn't know you liked useing that!" Feng Xin said kissing his cheek.
Mu Qing Ignored him and pushed him off then he finished applying the lip balm, Feng Xin got off of him and watched. once Mu Qing was done he set it down on his little table and then turned to look at Feng Xin.

"Qing-er. You look lovely." Feng Xin said grabbing his partner and pulling him close,
Mu Qing looked at him narrowing his eyes, then he kissed him, Feng Xin gladly accepted this kiss.
When they parted the red lip balm had left a red mark on Feng Xin's lips, and it smudged on Mu Qing's lips.
"Mn, Mu Qing." Feng Xin mumbled bringing a hand up to his lips tapping them with his fingers then he looked down at it, a bit of the red lip balm was on his finger tips.
"What?" Mu Qing asked crossing his arms.
"Now I have the lip balm on me." Feng Xin said, Mu Qing rolled his eyes in response then he grabbed Feng Xin's shirt and pulled him closer kissing him a few times on his cheeks.
"Mm, this will come off right?" Feng Xin asked and Mu Qing nodded.
"Alright, you may kiss me all you like." Feng Xin said grabbing Mu Qing by his waist.

Mu Qing pushed him to the floor.
"Hm? are we getting intimate?" Feng Xin asked smiling while he pulled him onto his lap.
"Shut up." Mu Qing muttered as he placed a kiss on Feng Xin's forehead leaving a kiss mark.
"Ah, A-Qing I think thats enough, I don't want to be covered in red." Feng Xin said slightly pushing Mu Qing away.

Mu Qing just shook his head and pinned Feng Xin down on the floor straddling him, he leaned his head down and continued to kiss him.
Feng Xin smiled and he sighed.
"I love you. Qing-er" Feng Xin said laughing slightly as Mu Qing kissed his neck a few times, he grabbed one of his hands and held it in his own.
Mu Qing sat up and Feng Xin looked up at him.
"Are you done?" Feng Xin asked, Mu Qing thought for a moment then he nodded.
Feng Xin smiled and sat up then pinned Mu Qing down.
"So now can I kiss you?" Feng Xin asked leaning his head down near Mu Qing's neck.
"Mhm." Mu Qing hummed, Feng Xin's smile only widened as he started to kiss Mu Qing's neck.

"You never said it back." Feng Xin suddenly said looking into Mu Qing's dark eyes.
"Said what back?" He muttered confused.
"I told you I loved you, but you didn't say it back." Feng Xin said making a little pouty face.
Mu Qing made a 'tch' sound and rolled his eyes.
"I-i love you too..." Mu Qing mumbled, his eyes slightly widened when Feng Xin kissed him on the lips, he closed his eyes and he wrapped his arms around Feng Xin.
Feng Xin parted.
"You're so cute" he said causing Mu Qing to roll his eyes.
"And your so annoying." Mu Qing hissed.
Feng Xin sat up.
"Help me get the lip balm off." Feng Xin said standing up, he grabbed Mu Qing by the arm and pulled him up.
Mu Qing nodded and stepped into a different room, he came back holding a rag that was wet.
He walked over to feng Xin.
"Sit, it will be easier to do." Mu Qing said Feng Xin obliged and sat down Mu Qing did as well, he then sat down in his lap.
Mu Qing brought the cloth up then began to try and wipe away the lip balm off.

After a moment Feng Xin slightly narrowed his eyes, now confused on the expression that was on Mu Qing's face.
"What's wrong? Is it not coming off?" He mumbled and Mu Qing nodded.
"What!? I thought you said you could get ot off!"
"Well this is my first time useing it! Lady wind master gave it to me!"
"I- try and get it off!" Feng Xin yelled and Mu Qing rolled his eyes then continued.

"It's sorta coming off.." Mu Qing mumbled Feng Xin just replied with a nod.
Mu Qing moved to his other cheek and tried to rub the kiss marks off on that side as well.
"I apologize, I didn't know it would be so hard to get off." Mu Qing mumbled.
"Its okay, you didn't know" Feng Xin said bringing his smile back.
Mu Qing nodded a small smile tugged at his lips and he continued now moving to the one kiss mark on his forehead.
Then the ones on his neck.

"Alright. I'll continue after a moment." Mu Qing said he stayed in Feng Xin's lap, and he started to rub the lip balm off of his own lips, Feng Xin chuckled and grabbed the cloth from Mu Qing's hands, and he started to rub the lip balm off of his face.
"It smudged." Feng Xin said and Mu Qing nodded then closed his eyes.

After a moment Mu Qing again went back to trying to rub the lip balm off.
He was only some what successful.
"A-Xin. You dont have anything important happening today. Right?" Mu Qing asked as he continued to scrub.
"Unfortunately I do." He said with an annoyed tone.
"Hopefully this comes off." Mu Qing said as he started to rub the lip balm off of Feng Xin's face and neck.

"Is it coming off?" Feng Xin asked and Mu Qing nodded.
"The marks on your cheeks still aren't coming off tho." Mu Qing said narrowing his eyes.
"Let me try and get yours off real quick, okay?" Feng Xin said and Mu Qing nodded, he handed the cloth to him and closed his eyes as Feng Xin started to rub the lip balm off of Mu Qing's lips.

He paused and Mu Qing opened his eyes, Feng Xin dropped the rag on the floor.
"What?" Mu Qing asked as he felt his cheeks get cupped, he felt warm lips press up against his own lips.
Mu Qing slightly flinched when he did this but he accepted the kiss, he hung his arms around Feng Xin's shoulders.

Once the two parted, Feng Xin smiled at the blush that slightly covered his cheeks.
Mu Qing rolled his eyes and he found the cloth again, he grabbed it and he grabbed Feng Xin's face and he continued to clean his face off.


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