Part*2 I am Aria

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Hello, I'm Aria Johnson. Im 15 years old. I've always live here in Ashland,Kentucky. I've never had any neighbors before the Evans's. This fall they moved in yesterday day. I've always lived with my mom alone in this small town.  My mom is terrible. I've always been told I'm pretty by my mom. But you know how parents are,they will tell you exactly what you want to hear. Parents also lie a lot. Santa Claus, The easter bunny, The tooth fairy all factors of our lives that don't really exist. Parents have every right to lie to us. They want our lives to be fun. Despite the fact that our parents hurt us in all ways. My mom uses her words to hurt me. And occasionally she hits me. She's the only thing I have really. My 2 brothers and step-dad, that's all I have. My father died from a overdose about 10 years ago. I have really no memory of him. The only thing I can say about him is that he made everything around me perfect. He never hurt me. No one will ever compare to him. He would never hit me scream at me. My mom is terrible towards me. But she loves my brothers. It really makes me mad that she does stuff to me. She's the reason I feel so insecure about my body. Like she would say "you're wearing that?" or "are you really eating right now?" Asking me questions that are very altering towards my way of life. I've never felt love for anyone other than my family well intill him.

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