Trial Period Week #1

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'This is your idea of date?'

'Why? You don't like it?'

Man looked at the huge colorful gate of the themepark. When Ben asked him out for a date that Sunday, he didn't expect the younger one would bring him here.

'A themepark?'

'Yeah...what a better way for a first date than a themepark?' Ben smiled.


'Bring him to a themepark...' Bruce said as he walked towards Ben behind the counter.

'Are you sure Phi?' Ben frowned. When Man texted him earlier to pick a place for their first date, themepark wasn't in his list.

'Yeah...themepark could tell what type a person someone is...and you wanted to know him right?'

Ben nodded.

'So, bring him'll thank me later, ok baby boy?' Bruce patted Ben's butt.

End of Flashback

'This is fun!' Ben beamed as he walked around the themepark with Man following behind him.

'It's been years since I went to a themepark...' Man said.

'Let's get on that!' Ben pointed at a rollercoaster. 'C'mon...' Ben pulled Man by the wrist and ran towards the entrance.

Man was actually surprised with how much fun he had spending time at the themepark...trying different rides, eating snacks and generally enjoying Ben's company.

*Maybe he wasn't a brat afterall...* Man thought when he saw Ben helping an older woman ordering food.

'Let me pay for it...' Man gave his credit card to the cashier.

''Oh you don't have to young man...' The woman said, patting Man's arm.

'It's's not often I get to treat a lovely lady...' Man smiled.

'Thank this your brother?' She looked at Ben.


Before Ben could finish his sentence, Man cut him off.

'I'm his fiance...'

Ben's eyes widened.

'Really? You're so lucky!'

Man noticed that Ben was staring at him when they left the snack booth.

'What? Is there something on my face?' Man checked his reflection on his phone screen.

'No...' Ben looked away.

'Am I that good looking?'

'As if!' Ben quickened his steps, leaving Man behind.

A while later...

Man grinned as he watched Ben struggling hitting the target with dart when they stopped at the game booth.

'You're mocking me!' Ben glared at Man, throwing the dart harder.

'I'm not...' Man said while trying to hold his laughter.

'Just go and sit over there...' Ben pushed Man away towards the bench.

After a while trying and spending almost 1000 baht, Ben decided to stop playing.

'Are we done there?' Man asked. He wanted to laugh but he didn't when he saw the disappointed look on Ben's face.

'Yeah...I guess I'm not getting that white tiger plushie...'

'You did all that for just a plushie? We could just buy it at the mall...'

'It's not the same...I'll just try again next time...I'm gonng treat myself a big cotton candy...' Ben walked away.

Cotton candy is just what Ben needed to soothe his disappointment...he wished he had won the white tiger since it's very cute and fluffy.

*Maybe next time...*

'Ben, wait up...'

Ben slowed his step but didn't looked back...he was too immersed with his cotton candy. Suddenly, a white tiger plushie appeared before his eyes...and Man was holding it.



Man took Ben's cotton candy and shove the plushie into his hand. 'I hate seeing sad kid...especially at themeparks...' He said and casually walked away leaving Ben in daze.

That night...

Ben got out of the shower and saw the plushie on his bed. He picked it up and stared at it.

*Maybe he wasn't that bad afterall...*

Loud ding sound from his phone startled Man as he was in home office looking over some documents. He looked at the screen an saw it's a text from Ben.

He opened it and an image was attached to's the white tiger plushie.

*Thanks for this...Phi...*

'He called me Phi...'

A smile unconciously made their way across his face without him noticing.

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