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EDEN WAS AWOKEN BY — shouting and loud noise, Eden sat up with a groan as she twisted her back allowing it to pop.  She sighed in content as she noticed the light flooding into her room very prominently, her eyebrows furrowed wondering how long she had actually been asleep.

"EDEN!" Quinn shouted from the living room for some reason her heart stopped beating — she got nervous. She threw the duvet off her body and shot up making her way out of her bedroom into the living room — "why the hell are y'all screaming and shouting, it's to damn early." Eden grumbled in annoyance, "Shit, Look at this — so much shit is going on." Mindy states pointing to the TV, Eden looked over to see HER art on the news — she nearly smiled at the sight but instead her face fell ajar, "T, isn't that the guy from the frat party?" Eden questioned with an oblivious tone.

"YEAH! and now he's fucking dead! Oh, god." Tara sighed, Eden really didn't understand how that was a bad thing, he was a real bad guy.  If anything Eden should be getting THANKED, Frankie was a sick fuck who deserved this.   "Eden, Tara and Sam were attacked last night! Ghost face really is back, meaning there needs to be a meeting at the park! You really need to get ready or we can meet you there, your choice." Mindy said with a sigh.

"I'll meet y'all there I wanna get ready." Eden said rubbing her eyes, she had just opened her eyes and wanted to get ready. "I don't know if that's safe.." Tara butted in, "I'll walk with her, don't worry." Quinn offered with a smile, "Okay, well — we will see y'all in 2 hours." Mindy said grabbing ahold of Tara's hand before the two left.

Eden walked back to her room with a sigh and Quinn was quick to follow, "why didn't you say anything?" Quinn questioned shutting the bedroom door behind the girl, "Sorry? About what?" Eden questioned with furrowed eye brows as she picked out an outfit for the outing they'd be having.

"that you planned on killing him." Quinn said in a hushed tone, "because, I didn't think I had to.  Everyone saw Sam tase the guy it's not gonna be hard for everyone to believe it was Sam who did it." Eden shrugged with a sigh, "did Ethan know you wanted Frankie dead?" Quinn questioned, "yeah, he was the first person I told actually." Eden remembered — she told him after they had left the halloween party. She had informed Ethan that she wanted him dead — the one thing she hadn't mentioned was WHY.

"Why? Don't tell me you felt bad for what happened to Tara at the party, she choose to try and go up those stairs with her. You understand that right?" Quinn questioned her eyebrows furrowing as she looked at Eden who was getting ready to shower.

"Because it's wrong, what he did was wrong.  It doesn't have to be the person it happened to - to make it wrong, it just overall is.  I do feel bad for Tara but not in the way you'd think, I don't give her sympathy and I almost laughed at how stupid she looked BUT he tried to use the fact she was intoxicated as an excuse and that isn't right.  She didn't have to get as drunk as she did, she made that choice herself and if she knew she couldn't handle so many drinks she shouldn't have had that many but that doesn't make it okay for some douche bag to take advantage of girls."  Eden shrugged as she expressed her opinion, she said it to put it out there not to argue because the last thing she cared about was someone else's opinion.

𝐄𝐝𝐞𝐧, ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now