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September 2nd, 1981

"Jack I know your mad at him, but you gotta respect Nick's decision."

Jack was at his father's place, news had broke that Will had been covering for Nick. Jack was obviously upset by this.

"But Nick always said that we were like brothers, I don't see why he left, he didn't even say goodbye. "
Jack believed what David had told him a few days prior, and he hated Nick for it. Nick had left him, and Nick had completely erased and relationship they had.

"I know Jacky, but try to think about from his perspective, at the old manor, yes he had you but he spent most of his time with Akram, but now Akram's gone. He's probably taken his death a lot harder then he's letting on."

Jack tried to sympathize with Nick, but as hard as he tried he could not.

"But he had me Emmet, I just really don't understand why he left."

"I know bud, I really do. I mean, if you wanted I could take you to his apartment, maybe talking to him would help."

That might've helped, if David hadn't filled Jack's mind with accusations, but David did.

"Really? I don't think David would want me to do that though."

"We don't have to tell David, cmon buddy it'll be good for you, ya' can't be sad about it forever."

Jack nodded and the two made the decision to go there now instead of later.
Nick's apartment was in the middle of the city, so it was a fairly long drive, and the drive there was mostly silent.


"What bud,"

"Why do you think Nick really left, do you really think it's just because Akram's gone?"

Emmett drove in silence for a while, before sighing and giving his son an answer.

"Y'know when Nick first joined the family, he only joined because he was more or less homeless and needed somewhere to go.
Nick's a good kid'n I don't think he ever really approved of how we deal with sinners."

Jack nodded, keeping his head low.
"And after the manor burnt down, and Akram died it just became all to much for him, Nick really did care for you Jacky, this just wasn't the life for him."

Jack hummed in agreement, even though he didn't really agree. In Jack's new mindset, that David had more or less coaxed him into, he believed that if Nick really did care he would not have left.
But he did.

"Well, here we are."

Emmet pulled up at the side of an old looking building, it was tall but the roof was crumbling and quite a few of the windows were broken. This was more than likely the only place Nick could afford.

"Do you want me to come in with you or..?"

Jack shook his head and opened the car door,

"I'll go in myself, I'll try not to be to long."

"Alright pal, I'll be here."

Jack entered the building, there was no one at the front desk, and it smelt purely like cigarettes.
Nick's apartment was near the top, 301.

Jack was nervous, only because he didn't know how Nick would react. Maybe Nick hated him now and would refuse to talk to him.
That's not the kind of person Nick was, but Jack didn't really know Nick anymore.

"299.. 300.. 301."

Jack could hear music coming through the door, music that Nick liked. Even though he wanted to, Jack didn't hesitate and Knocked on the door.

The door slowly opened, before Nick realised who it was and opened the door fully.

"Jack? You really shouldn't be here.."

"Emmet said I should talk to you."

Nick said nothing for a moment.

"Is he here?"

Jack shook his head
"Come in then."

Nick's apartment was small, Jack had always lived in manor houses but Nick's place was one room with a partion wall and a bathroom.
Jack couldn't understand why Nick would give give everything he had up and move into an old, decaying apartment that smelt like rotting bodies.

"Nick, why did you leave."

Nick shook his head.

"Jack, I've been planning on leaving for years, I just could never seem to find the right time."

That made Jack more upset than he already was.

"How could you do this, to me especially? Your supposed to be my brother."

"I would of kept in touch if David let me go peacefully."

"You didn't even say goodbye to me, I had to track you down through Will."

Nick crossed his arms and sighed.

“And you found me, which isn't the best sign. Kept Will too close I guess."

"Your a terrible brother, Nick."

"At least I know where I stand on my own."

Jack had made up his mind, Nick had betrayed the family and did not care about him in the slightest,
He opened the door and began to make his way back to Emmet.

"You will regret this."

Nick hummed,

"I already regret many things."

With that Jack shut the door and left.
He got into Emmet's car in silence, Emmet took the hint and let Jack sit quietly until they got closer to Emmet's home.

"Do you want to sleep at mine tonight buddy?"

Jack nodded.

"Alrighty, you shouldn't worry about Nick too much, he'll live."

Jack new that, but Jack also new that it would not be the same with Nick gone, and Jack wasn't looking forward to just living with David, Will and Merle.

"Could I stay at yours for a few nights actually, dad?"

"Yup, as long as you want, things will work out just fine Jacky, I'm sure of it."

Maybe Emmet believed that, but Jack most certainly did not.
It wouldn't work out, at least for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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