Chapter 31 - A Bad Gift

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How was there no-one at the abandoned warehouse? I was almost certain there would be, I thought maybe something would work in our favour but then again this is me we are talking about, nothing ever seems to go in my favour, I need to start fighting my own battles I can't keep relying on everyone around me to keep me safe.

Maybe I could just leave. Disappear without them noticing, just slip away and find Andrew on my own, I don't know how but I danm well want to try.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realise that there was a knock at the door until Spencer opened it.

"Liv there's something for you" he stated walking up to me with a small-ish black box with a blood red ribbon wrapped around it forming a bow on top.

I looked up at Spencer with a crooked eyebrow he just shrugged and handed it to me before collapsing on the couch next to me and wrapping an arm around my waist.

I slowly undid the ribbon acting as if it was going to blow up. I lifted the lid and I couldn't believe my eyes sitting in the box was 3 things I never wanted to see.

A worn gold bracelet with 5 silver charms hanging off it; a rose, a small gun, a paint brush, a microphone and a heart lying next to it was a pair of bronze cuff links and a small grey pouch all lying on a bed of white rose petals. I pushed past the shock and picked up the grey pouch with my shaking hands.

My eyes went wide as tears filled them, sitting in the pouch was two rings, one just a gold band and the other, another gold ring with 3 small diamonds on top.

I picked up the box and threw it across the room, the petals fell to the ground as the box flew through the air.

There was only one person that could taunt me like that....Andrew.

"Woah Liv! What is it?" Spencer asked I turned to him tears fell down my cheeks, his face was full of concern.

"Andrew" was all I said, Spencer got of the couch and walked over to the box that was lying upside down on the ground.

"Do these mean something to you?" He asked softly, I nodded pulling my shaking legs up to my chest.

"Olivia, I'm going to call the team okay?" He said taking his phone out, I nodded once again as more tears ran down my cheeks.

I heard Spencer sigh but I didn't look up, moments later I felt him wrap his arms around me once again "I'm so sorry" I sobbed into his neck.

"Shhhh Liv none of this is your fault, I promise everything will be okay.....eventually" he cooed in my ear, calming me down almost immediately.

"I love you" he mumbled before kissing my forehead and leaving the room to call Hotch.

I sat there with my legs to my chest and sobs getting stuck in my throat until Spence came back into the room.

I looked up at him and he looked hesitant to speak like he was contemplating wether to tell me something or not.

Spencer sigh in defeat and began to speak "I called Hotch and apparently something else was sent to the BAU" I stared at him edging him to continue "he didn't tell me what it was but they are all on their way here now"

"Okay" my voice came out broken and distraught, Spencer sat back down and pulled my body into his.

"It will be okay" he mumbled, we sat there in a comfortable silence until the team showed up.

"Oh Liv" JJ said as she walked towards me and crushed me in a hug, I fought back tears.

"I promise we will get this sick son of a bitch" Morgan mumbled in my ear as he hugged me.

After all the greetings I slumped back into the couch and lead my head back so I was staring up at the ceiling still fighting back the tears.

Hotch called Spencer over to where him, Morgan and Rossi and JJ,Emily and Garcia came over to me.

"Okay Liv I need you to tell us what these mean, they might give us a clue to where Andrew is or what he's planning" Emily explained "I'll hold them up you tell me what they mean" she added.

First Emily grabbed the cuff links at first I didn't know what to make of them "wait do they have J.S engraved on the back of them?" I asked.

Emily looked at me to the cuff links then back at me before checking the back of the bronze cuff link "uh.......yeah they do"

I gasped before pulling myself together again "they are D-dads" I stuttered "how did he get them?" I said mostly to myself and focused my eyes on my lap "that's what we are here to find out" I heard JJ say.

Next Emily held up the bracelet "um.....that's mine, Andrew gave it to me, and every different charm related to my life at the time but I gave it back to him when we broke up" I explained and I quickly wiped away a tear.

"Do you want to stop? Have a break?" Emily suggested I shook my head straight away "this has to be done eventually" Emily nodded and picked up the grey pouch, my heart clench in my chest.

Another tear ran down my cheek but I didn't have the energy to wipe it away this time, Emily tipped the Grey pouch upside down and the two rings fell onto her hand.

"I don't know how he got those" I muttered harshly "what are they?" I heard Rossi ask, I looked up for a second and sure enough Hoth, Morgan, Rossi and Spencer where all standing around me waiting for an answer.

I looked back down as I answered "my parents wedding rings" I mumbled, gasps filled the room as I started to fiddle with the wedding ring around my own finger.

"Wait...what got sent to the BAU?" I asked "that's the thing we don't know what it is we were hoping you did" Hotch said "it's in my office now" he added, I looked up and nodded.

"You two can't stay here" Morgan said out of no where, I sighed knowing he was right "where are we going to go?" I asked looking over to Spence for a second before looking back to everyone.

"My house!" Garcia, Morgan and JJ said unison "no!" Spence and I replied "I'm not putting you guys in danger!" I argued "we will stay at a hotel or something" Spence added.

"You two are not going to a hotel there has to be some where else that won't be easy for Andrew to find you" Hotch said "well we already know that's not going to be easy seeing as he found me when I was meant to be hiding" I mumbled.

"I have a house you could stay at, no one knows about it not even my publisher or my ex wives!" Rossi spoke up "are you sure Dave?" Hotch questioned "yeah I mean if it helps"

"Well it's settled your staying at one of Rossi's for the time being" Hotch concluded "thank you Rossi!" I said as I got up and hugged him.

"You two pack and meet us at the office" with that the team left, leaving Spencer and I.

"I don't want to leave" I confessed "neither do I" He said wrapping his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck.

"I just want it to all be over"

(Hey guys thanks for Reiding hope you like the chapter please leave a comment 😊 and have a great day and I would just like to thank sophiaharley21 she is such a nice person and you should go follow her! Anyway stay awesome Gubler Nation.)

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