Chapter 2 - I'm Here...Now Touch Yourself

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Loki returns to Asgard after thoroughly ravishing you. You, on the other hand, are stuck on Earth and cannot stop thinking about the god who you gave your virginity to. You're frustrated and decide to take matters into your own hands.


AND IT BEGINS!! Welcome back!! I never really intended to expand this fic but after reading over it again and getting some requests to continue working on it, I decided to continue it. What does that mean for you? A shit ton of smut, so buckle up!

Thank you for reading and as always, enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

When Loki returned to Asgard, there was a distinct swagger in his step. A smirk was planted on his face - cocky, arrogant, and incredibly pleased with himself - as the Bifrost shut behind him. His plan was to go to his chambers, knock out for a few hours, and perhaps wake up with his cock in his fist.

Really, he was quite satisfied. You had been perfectly delightful. Frankly, it wasn't what he was expecting. You were beautiful - he had admitted that - but you were an experience in bed. You were so willing to please him, to spread your legs and present to him what he had claimed. Your submission, the lust in your eyes, the gaze of wonder and worship, it hardened his cock and flooded his mind with desire. He could tell there was more to you and if he was able to peel back the layers enough, he could unleash the sexual temptress lurking within you. The thought excited him to no end.

For a brief moment as he fingered you, Loki had a passing thought in his head. If all humans were like this, perhaps he'd be answering personal prayers more often. But then, you surprised him. As he fucked you, he knew he wanted to keep you. He called you pet, after all. That was a term of endearment and he meant it. But goodness when you had pushed him over - you really pushed him onto his ass! He could not get over that! You had staked your claim over him as well. The glitter of your eyes, the air of your moans, the teasing aura you held, it drew him in. You hooked your claws into him and he did not want to forfeit you just yet. There was so much you could learn, so much he could teach you.

Naturally, Loki couldn't devote himself to you in the way most humans wanted to be locked down in. He was a god after all. You would make a nice pet, however, and he looked forward to the next time he could sink his cock into you. You seemed completely willing to accept him again. So, he had gifted you his pendant. It was a token of gratitude and a symbol to show any prying mortal that you were off limits - or at least, protected.

And it was these thoughts of you that had Loki so utterly satisfied. As he walked past Heimdall - ignoring the voyeurist guardian, of course - Loki decided he would forgo the nap and go straight to thinking about your sweet pussy.

That was the plan until Odin showed up.

"Allfather," Loki grumbled, staring at his father. Odin stood on the Bifrost, perfectly centered in front of the palace. If Loki was in a more thoughtful mood, he would think the image was poetic. But now, he was just annoyed. He wanted to go back to his room and relax.

"You are back from Midgard," Odin noted. Loki sneered and looked over his shoulder, regarding Heimdall with a pointed look, knowing perfectly well that the golden-eyed guardian informed Odin of his whereabouts. He sighed and turned back towards Odin, plastering on a sarcastic grin.

"Did you enjoy the show at least?" Loki snickered. He walked towards Odin but kept his eyes focused on the space behind him. "Your watchful eye certainly must have been amused."

"Amusement is not the word I would choose," Odin said as Loki brushed past him. He turned, faced his wayward son, and grimaced. Loki's shoulders broadened as his hands crossed over each other neatly behind his back. "Concerned, rather. Yes, concerned is the word I would use."

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