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Sb:i go to check him
Jennie:ok you go
Then i go to the restroom finding yeonjun hyung but where is he suddenly i heard a crying sound then i went there saw the man i know It's yeonjun but why he is crying
Sb:yeonjun hyung?
Yj:huh?(wipe tears)
Sb:are you crying?
Yj:n-no why I'm crying
Sb:don’t lie i know You're crying but why?
I suddenly hug him he hug back but we both Don't say a single word he pulled the hug and cupped my face he want to say something this time my phone rang I'm so irritated but see the caller I'd it’s minho yeonjun also see the name but don’t say anything
Yj:go to pick the call It's vibrate to much

On the call:
Minho:heyy soobin sorry for disturbing problem it’s ok you call me anytime
Minho:thank you actually can we meet tomorrow in the same restaurant at 1pm
Sb:yes it’s fine I'd love to meet you see you soon
Minho:yep take care
Sb:wait can i bring a friend with me
Minho:of course it’s fine
Sb:thank you
Minho:welcome baby boy
Sb:bye (shy)
Yj:why are you blushing?
Sb:no who says I'm not blushing
Yj:hey shut up i see that(annoyed)
Sb:actually.... Nothing
Yj:come on
Then we go to our table jennie went to us
Jennie:baby where are you so late are you ok.
Yj:yes I'm ok honey don’t worry
Jennie:Let's dance baby
Jennie:no but's
Yj:ok Let's go
The they go to dance stage and yj hyung hold her waist and dance hand and hand ny heart are hurting it’s like the world ending now and i drink too much everyone told don’t drink too much but I'm listen them suddenly a unknown guy come to me
??:heyy cutie can you be my dance partner?
Sb:sorry i Don't know you so
Tae:yes he will be your dance partner or your life partner
Sb:just Shut up taehyun
Gyu:take him with you.
Sb:you too why bro?
??:ok Let's go
He dragged me in the dance stage and hold my waist and dance classically i think he good it dancing
??:what is your name cutie(whispering)
Sb: m-my name is soobin
??:your name is so cute like you cutie
Sb:tnx what is your name?
??:bangchan and if you want call me by my nickname chan
Sb:ok chan you good it dancing tho
Suddenly he come closer to my face but at the time yeonjun come and start to beating him his face are so red he shout to the boy
Yj:how dare you to touch my frd you bastard i will kill you(again beating him)
Chan:why you beating me he is just your frd not your boyfrd
Yj:shut up jerk (beating him more)
Everyone come to stop him but he Won't stop he is so mad then finally we did to stop him but he shout at everyone
Jennie:come dawn baby
Yj:why why i come dawn huh that bastard want to kiss soobin why I'm come dawn
Tae:hyung Don't shout to her It's all my faults i send soobin to the boy
Yj:are you mad why you send him huh he is totally stranger
Tae:i'm sorry(crying)
Gyu:hey yeonjun hyung why are so angry that boy kissing soobin it’s not of your business bro
Yj:he is my frd
Tae:but he has no problem
Yj:really soobin?(angry face to me)
Sb:guys stop fighting don't overreact
Taegyu:sorry yeonjun hyung we talk too much
Yj:it’s ok I'm sorry too I'm shouting you guys
Taegyu:It's ok(sweet smile)
Jennie:guys i have to go my PA come to pick me up
Then she hug soobin and good bye us then leave
Taegyu:guys we have to leave it’s getting late bye
Then they leave too
Kai:may i go to home my mom worried
She call me many times
Sb:may i come with you?
Yj:you go home with me now sit (angry tone)
Then kai leave too left me with the angry bird what to do I'm now he is so mad at me can i talk to him no no it’s good to shut my mouth i see he hold the glass and drink i think he totally drunk
Yj:why you dance with that guy are you want to jealous me yes I'm jealous why you do this to me (crying)
Sb:hey are you drunk what are saying
(Come closer to him)
Yj:don't come closer stay away from me go to that boy he is handsome right?
Sb:hyung are you crying? But why(go more closer to him and wipe his tears)
Suddenly he start move his face to me and start kissing I'm so shock but kiss him back he continue to kiss me hard i think he is so angry he bite my lips i think my lips are bleeding but he Won't let me go i push him hard then he stop
Then continue his drink I'm blushing mess to think of this my crush kiss me 😍
A/u pov
We're blushing too soobin😉

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