Eternity is Brief

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Tsukishiro was missing his smile. Kiyotaka alone was witnessing a rare moment.

"I don't understand," Tsukishiro said in a solemn voice. "What is the meaning of this crafted incident?"

"I didn't know you cared for the lives of little children," replied Kiyotaka. 

Tsukishiro frowned. Compared to himself, even now Kiyotaka's exterior didn't change. He believed he was phlegmatic as a youngster, but it was the folly of the young. Comparison against this child produced feelings of foolishness quite often. "Do not dodge the question. You care even less for these children. Does willingly giving a hand in butchering the kids you nurtured stir anything? Nothing, right?" 

Tsukishiro stepped closer to him. Only a few months had passed since they last met at that night on the cruise ship but Kiyotaka already was equal to his height. And this time, there was no unnecessary person present to hinder conversations that Kiyotaka avoided like the plague. "I would be more explicit if you make it worthwhile for me. The law of all life is to cease unnecessary expenditure of energy."

"If I look at the core," said Tsukishiro, "the futile dramatics of Yagami-kun unexpectedly was beneficial." He waited for him to him to say something, and when Kiyotaka remained silent, he continued, "I would fulfil my end of the deal, and you will do yours. I made the contract on the belief that you could scarcely manage a pyrrhic victory---but you never needed it from the start. How long have you been spinning this seemingly endless web?"

Kiyotaka stared Tsukishiro in the face. He averted his sight to darkening blue sky. It was like being back at the dark evenings in the White Room when the electrical machinery had shut down due to rare but inevitable errors. It seemed to be jarring to the other students. Reflecting now, he could finally relate to their feelings. I should get this over with soon. Finally he said, "Half my life has been spent for this small climax of the story."

Abruptly a smile returned to Tsukishiro's face. "You really are an incredible child. It's hard to believe you have not experienced this world for at least a few lifetimes. But it's really a pity and a miracle. That father's crowning achievement was originally foreseen to be snuffed out like a dying candle."

"That man, like every human, was blind to a fragment of reality. He couldn't see he what he was trying to truly grasp."

"You are amusing," remarked Tsukishiro. "You claim it was inevitable? The fact that he was reaching out for the sun, with zero line of safety, led him to be burned to ashes?"

"That's not right." Kiyotaka shook his head. "He could never got close to touching certain doom the way it was. The distance was too astronomical to be bridged. But with the right tools, forever isn't quite as long as it used to be."

"You really can be a terrible friend, Kiyotaka-kun." He chuckled but on the inside his mind was heavy. But it was weighted by awe not despair. That in a single swoop, this child fell two enormous projects worth billions. Two worlds to two different people turned into worthless relics.

"I hope that doesn't impact our relationship. A jack-of-all-trades like you is rare to find." Kiyotaka passed him a small card which Tsukishiro placed in one of his pockets. 

"Of course not. I've always been a mortal man. Eternity is brief so I would prefer my permanence in this world to be not so fleeting."

Kiyotaka had a feeling the last part was a quote, but he had no idea from what. Someone might have an answer... but it didn't matter anymore. 

"You yourself are no less amusing," Kiyotaka said. the words slipping out without meaning to. They were walking away from each other. The distance between them expanded as the time for their chat was coming to end. Kiyotaka could have said nothing and this would have been the end of the story. But for an ephemeral moment, Kiyotaka thought he would never feel as connected to this world, to a human being, as at this moment.

"That might be the first time I've been given such a label." Tsukishiro looked puzzled but curious. (Kiyotaka would never again miss feelings of curiosity. It was simultaneously the greatest desire and sole amendent for his life from this moment onwards.) He gave him an inquisitive look. "Can I have an explanation?"

"It might not feel adequate to you," said Kiyotaka after a pause.

"I am an adult. I am able of being responsible for my feelings and desires."

Kiyotaka stared at the horizon. It had grown dark and you could scarcely find the boundaries of the dark skies. Human intellect had measured tremendous things but the this vast frontier remained out of reach. 

"You helped that man. And then you betrayed him with success. That's all."

Tsukishiro laughed, a true laughter of surprise. "I am grateful for this departure."

As the old and young departed, to never meet again, Kiyotaka knew then that he would carry moments like this in him. This finished story of his old life would remain forever.


I've been so busy I scarcely could manage time to finish any WIPs. This one-shot has been writing in a single burst and has not been checked for errors, edited, proofread or anything. If you find any discrepancies, that would be the reason.

But I hope you liked it somewhat. Need more great interactions of this pair. 

Words: 865

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