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"Y/N!" A certain girl calls out to you. You turn to face her. those eyes, the way her hair flows through the wind. It has you in some sort of trance. "Earth to Y/N?" That pulls you out of your traced state. "Huh? What?" "Come on push me on the swings!" she demands. you comply.

She is already on the swings. I walk behind her and I gently place my arms against her back. and I start giving light pushes as the swing starts rising higher and higher. She's happily laughing and just having fun. I too start having fun. we run around and play in the playground.

"Can you promise me something Y/N?" "What is it?" She looks at me with a smile and balls up her fist except for her pinky. "Promise me that we'll be together forever" I intertwine my pinky finger with hers. "Pinky Promise." she happily smiles.

------ OCTOBER 29th, 2022.


you wake up to the sound of my phone alarm blaring. you groggily open your eyes and grab your phone and turn off your phone alarm. Getting off of bed is a struggle. Stepping into the kitchen you see your roommate Martin. He notices your presence. "Good Morning, sleepyhead." "Morning to you, too." Martin hands you a plate of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage...typical American Breakfast. "Thank You, Martin."

"Say Y/N aren't you tired of being a bodyguard? Because I've noticed you dreading going to work for that Tech CEO." you take a bite of the pancakes. "I am getting tired of it. same bullshit I have to deal with." Martin ponders for a bit. "Then why don't you quit? Find another job somewhere like a cop or something." you speak with a mouthful "Even if I DID quit I won't know what to do with my life..."

"Well, You gotta do something!" you take a bite out of the pancakes again. "I'll think about it."


You step in front of a house. your mother's house. you walk up the steps and knock on the front door and wait. eventually, your mother opens the door. "Y/N it's good to see you!" she hugs you. "Come on in!" Your Mother ushers you inside the living room. You take a seat on the couch. your mother returns holding a tray with teacups of well...tea. She places them on a small table. "How's your job going Y/N?" I pick up a teacup. "I...I don't know. I dread going there or doing any of this kind of work." Your mother looks at you worriedly. at first, she was against you taking bodyguard jobs but she never less supported you. "Why did something happen?" "Nothing bad happened Mom, it's just..."

"Remember that I told you that those dreams I've had have gotten worse?" "Oh..." You look at the teacup I'm holding. "You've been through a lot when you joined the Army, Y/N." she then gives you a slight smile. "I got a little suggestion but I don't know if you'll like it." you look at her, puzzled. "Why don't you work as a personal assistant for someone or a celebrity?" You almost spit out the tea. "Say WHAT?" "Work as a personal assistant for someone or a celebrity." "Oh...uh..." Your mother places down her teacup and holds your hand. "At least give it a chance... please do it for me and you" she gives you a gentle smile. Now that you think about it. There's been somewhat of a high demand for personal assistants these past few days. "I'll think about it" your mother happily smiles this time. "Thank you."


"What? A P.A.?" Jenna says. "Yes." Her manager replies. "Yes a P.A." "May I know why?" Her manager sighs. it's Jenna Ortega for crying out loud. she needs to know why. "Because last a few days on the set of Wednesday you almost past out due to overworking yourself! every day and every night!" Jenna looks annoyed. "That's why you NEED a P.A.! So they can take care of some of your work before you work yourself to the grave!" "But--"

"No buts Jenna. and your mother ordered me to do so." Jenna sighs defeated. She puts her headphones on and listens to music. her manager sighs. and takes her leave.


Y/N looks under his bed. and takes out a long metallic box. he places it on top of his bed and opens it. inside the box is your customized Assault Rifle, your Custom handgun, some ammo, and lastly a photo. you pick up the photo. the photo is about you and your fallen brothers. you close the box and start packing your bags.


"Well, we're here Y/N." Martin parks his car in the parking lot. "Thanks for the ride, Martin." "Don't mention it, bro." you step out of the car. pop the trunk open and take out your backpack, luggage, and your Military box. you brought in case of emergencies. you start walking towards the airport entrance. Martin helps you with carrying the box. once you step inside. Martin puts the box down. "Damn that's heavy!" you chuckle. "Again man thanks for the ride." "Don't mention Y/N" Both of you give each other a 'goodbye' hug. "Well Y/N have fun being a Personal Assistant!" "Yeah..." Martin waves goodbye as you grab your stuff and take your leave. "Route to California now Boarding!" the intercom rings out.


You're seated in the middle of the airplane all your luggage except for your backpack is in the storage container. you check your phone. 40 messages. "Jesus..."

one is about your mother saying to call her once you made it to your hotel room. One of Martin's saying is to have fun at your new job. and the rest is detailed information about your client's manager, daughter, and basic information about the daughter, and other information like locations, dates, etc. "Hmm? Jenna Ortega?" that name rings a bell but you can't exactly remember. after all, coming back from war changed you completely mentally and physically. you open a music player app and you start playing.
Ballad of Buster Scruggs - When A Cowboy Trades His Spurs For Wings. 

You start drifting off to sleep thinking "Why does this Jenna remind you of someone you met when you were younger. 



I Can't believe it! A FREAKING P.A.!? Of course I've had P.A.s before but most of them were boring as hell.  I've asked my mother and manager to cancel the deal but they always say NO. The only thing they've told me is that this P.A. is his first day... HIS FIRST DAY!? and the weird part is that he's ex-military? What kind of P.A. did they hire? " i hear a knocking on the door.  I walk towards the door. "Who is it?" "it's me your manager!"  I open the door. My Manager looks at me with a smile. "Your P.A. should be arriving at the airport in a few minutes so get ready" i sarcastically say  "yay..."  



Now we're standing at the front of the airport. I'd rather go back home and continue reading the script i was reading. then my manager says "Ah, there he is." he flags someone down. i look at the person. 

He's tall, built, casual clothes, earpiece with a wire attached to a radio already strapped on his belt waist. backpack strapped around his arm. suitcase in his right hand and lastly a long metallic box in his left hand.  he walks up to us. "Hello Y/N, nice to meet you I'm Ms. Ortega's manager, you must be her new Personal assistant correct?" "Yes sir."  No way...Y/N? Y/N puts  down the luggage and proceeds to shake the manager's hand.  "Nice to meet you too sir"  

"Y/N?"  Y/N looks at me puzzled then his eyes go wide. "Jenna?"  He remembers me...without thinking I quickly hug Y/N as if for dear life.

Y/N P.O.V.

Jenna hugs me very tightly. as if any movement would cause me to slip away. i return the hug gently. i'm too shocked. Jenna? I'm her P.A. and bodyguard? I'm surprised she even remembers me. The Manager looks at us puzzled. "Have you met before?"  Jenna quickly responds still not letting go. "we're childhood friends!" the manager smiles. "That's great! Y/N i'll help you put your luggage in the car." I quickly responded. "No need I got." Jenna let's go of me with a happy smile that's brighter than the goddamn sun. I grab my luggage and step out of the airport. 


You, Jenna, and her manager step out of the airport, and walk up to the Car. The manager pops open the trunk and you put your suitcase, metallic box, and close it. you step inside. and the manager starts driving. "Welcome to California, Y/N." "Thanks for this unexpected welcome." Jenna stays quiet. she only leans on your shoulder. you can't help but smile.

you've reunited with your old and partly lost childhood friend...

I MISSED YOU (A Jenna Ortega x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now