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"I'm sorry again for making you come all the way up here, I know you're really busy

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"I'm sorry again for making you come all the way up here, I know you're really busy." Tanjiro's expression housed a guilty smile as you held a cloth to Rokuta's forehead. To which you only sighed, shook your head, and reprimanded him for even thinking that he was inconveniencing you.

Not to say it was an expected encounter. Having Tanjiro show up at your doorstep at the break of dawn sweating and gasping for air like he'd just run a marathon had you thinking someone had just died.

Luckily, after you managed to calm him down, you learned that it was just a case of a simple fever with the boy's youngest brother. Hiro had smacked him upside the back of his head for almost giving you a heart attack—and for making so much noise before the sun had even fully risen.

And so you found yourself scaling the mountainside to Tanjiro's home while the rest of the town slowly stirred to life. In comparison to you, who was struggling to keep your footing against the steadily growing snow, Tanjiro was faring much better on the short journey. Of course he was, he went up and down this wretched thing nearly every day. That was one good thing about living this far up, you supposed.

It was a quaint little home, nestled between the pine trees and back garden painted by the snow. The cheerful voices of Tanjiro's younger siblings filled the air as they excitedly rushed out to engulf him into a crushing hug.

You only had laughed at their antics back then—at how thrilled they were to see their older brother again despite him only being gone for no less than an hour at most. Well, you supposed you could understand. You used to be the same with Hiro, after all.

"It's alright," You hummed quietly, still deep in concentration, "Really I don't mind. I can understand the panic." Uncapping a small bottle of medicinal fluid, you stirred it lightly with a little spoon, making sure to wipe it with a clean cloth beforehand and poured a small amount into it.

Thankfully, Rokuta was conscious enough to be able to take the medicine without any problems, albeit begrudgingly, as he furiously grimaced at the taste and fell into a fit of coughs. You gave him a spare water to drink to wash it all down, careful to not let him down too much—else he ended up hurling it all back later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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