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Anna Mayfield...

My name written on the top of the chart once again. Not to brag but I have always been the top student in my class.

Everyone is cheering me teacher's are congratulating me, my friends and family....... everyone but I don't really feel any happiness or anything anymore just numb.....it's like I see the real face behind everyone's fake mask they have on.

My family it may seems happy cheerful and perfect but underneath that curtain it's all broken they just like to show off the achievement don't really care about anything else. Every day fights.

My friends although they seem really happy for me but I know they're jealous. Mila she has been studying non stop for this exam but she came in second I know I can see it in her eyes that she hate me to her guts right now.

An hour later....

Finally after a very irritating and tiring day and putting on a fake smile for everyone it's over the party. I felt like I would explode if I stayed their 1 more minute.

It's Sunday tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment a Psychiatrist to be precise my condition is getting worse the symptoms.

The next day...

~Hello Miss darthy.

~Hello Anna. how are you?

~Not so good to be honest. My condition is getting worse.

~oh dear! That's sad can you tell me exactly what's the matter.

~ I'm hearing voices whispering in my ear. They're saying something but it's not clear. I'm also hallucinating but I'm trying to ignore it just like you recommended but yesterday at night.

~What happened yesterday Anna.....

~ "heavy breaths"

~Anna I need you to calm down... relax. Ok?

~ yes...yes I'm fine

~ok so do you wanna proceed?

~ yes...so... yesterday as I was in the car suddenly everything changed as if I was completely in a different place.
It was a dark pitch black hallway. Their were laughters, screams as I started to follow them suddenly a hand grabbed my throat I struggled to set my self free. But just as I felt I'm gonna pass out I snapped back.

~I see....Anna what I'm about to say might sound like a terrifying Idea but I believe it's best for you....are you willing to hear it?

~ As long as it make these things go away I'm willing to do anything.

~ ok very well then....the next time you Hear voice, see something or went back to the state like tomorrow I want you to follow the voice, person or anything. If you won't face it you won't be able to overcome it.

~Ok miss darthy I will.


~oh! Look's like our session is over see you next time Anna if anything happens feel  free to call.

~ok miss darthy bye..


At home
At night 12:00 am

Since I got all my work done I am laying here like this it's has been 5 hours. I can't sleep nor do I have the energy to move.

I gave a thought to what miss darthy said in at the end of our session she wa-

I saw something.

~you have to follow it Anna if yoh can't face it you can't overcome it.

Miss darthy's words repeated in my head and before i know it I was following the shadow.

Just as I turned to the corner where the stairs are everything changed I was again in a pitch black room.suddenly their was a loud laugh and then the last thing I heard.

Welcome to the unknown Anna

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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