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Daphne hugged me tight as she came running towards me. She might be a sci-mathic geek... but this girl has claws, especially when it comes to men. Daphne has had about twenty-three boyfriends and she's barely sixteen. Well, it's not really surprising because this girl has a very heartwarming attitude. She's quite different from Stephanie. Stephanie is more into long term relationships.

"I missed you girl!" Daphne said.

It was summer so we barely saw each other. Daphne always flies to Florida every summer to be with her mom. So I'm always left with Stephanie instead. But Stephanie is often busy with her boyfriend Adam. So I just spend my summer reading books, discovering even more facts, attending workshops and of course... shopping. Well, while my two best girlfriends are always occupied with their love life... there's me, an NBSB. I never had a boyfriend before, not even once in my life. Some say that boys in school think that I am way too good for them, while my friends say that maybe I am way too busy with studies that not a single guy in school can reach me. I think my friends are right. I never had a guy friend. Not a single guy dared to approach me to make friends or to get to know me. Oftentimes, guys approach me only when they need help in their homework. I quickly erased those thoughts from my mind when Stephanie came to us giggling.

"You're late Ms. Forbes". I bluntly said while Daphne and I were giving her glares. Well of course Steph knows that we were just messing with her.

And Stephanie giggled once more. Seriously, what's gotten into her?

"Steph, what the hell is wrong with you?" Daphne asked.

"hihi, nothing guys. Adam just surprised me this morning. You know, having his face and bare chest to see first thing in the morning. Talk about wow. And then-"

"WHAT?!" Daphne and I chorused.

"You two SLEPT together?!" I surprisingly asked,

"What happened to marriage before you know what?!" Daphne added.

"woah, calm down guys! Adam and I did not sleep together! It just so happened that when Adam was on his way to our house, he had my favorite coffee from starbucks on his hand and then some girl ran into him so the coffee was spilled on his shirt. As soon as he reached our home, mom insisted Adam to remove his shirt so she can put them in the washing machine for a while, okay? Jeez guys chill!"

Daphne and I exchanged looks, determining whether Steph's statement is real or not.

"Okay, fine we believe you" I finally said.

"OMG guys, are you doubting me now?

"No we were just making sure"

"Does that make any difference?"

Then the three of us laughed our heads off. Of course-with class.

"So... how do you guys want to spend our last day of freedom?"

We exchanged looks and...


And the next thing I knew, we were on our way to the mall. Stephanie presented to use her car. Because she insisted that her dad's paying for her gas.

"So, what will be our first stop in the mall?"

"I'm thinking..."

"A trip to the..."


And it's true that the three of us always get along. Daphne's aunt owns a salon in the mall, so we figured we should go pay a visit. We were dying to have our hair and nails done. Of course we should start our college life fabulously. We'd be shopping for new outfits afterwards. The three of us sat on the very comfortable and sexy black chairs while the people from the salon did their magic. Stephanie, Daphne and I...our families are loaded. We don't get to worry about bills and payments, our parents will surely take care of it. Our families each own a very large company famous among the country. That is why the three of us need to study business management.

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