
46 4 1

I'm making a twist here goes....

Your sitting alone in the dark hospital room your parents there talking but you ignore them your wrist ache and itch to be carved more they want the pain you ask them to leave softly saying your tired that you need rest they nod finishing there scolding.doctors check your vitals yiu pretend to fall asleep as soon as he's gone you shut and lock the door you look around your hospital room for something anything there lies the box of needs and a scalpel form your surgery where they tried to save your arms usage and it worked you pick up the scalpel and him softly your favorite song forget the note noboody cares you slwoky stay carving painfully slow you feel the sting it makes your eyes water then the tickling tingley feeling kick in your in a freenxy slash after slash then your drilling to the ground to the floor your vision clouds your eyes droop fibaaly you did it your dead you smile softly then your gone this is what you've always wanted

Xoxo Silvergrey

Hey guys sorry if it's to much tell me and I'll stop just wanted to give it a shot

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