Love Again. For me?

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She was sitting on the stool near his bed. Her eyes had huge bags underneath them, and her hair was an unruly mess but all she could do was look at him laying on the hospital bed.

It was thirteen hours since he fell asleep and she sat there helplessly not knowing when he would wake up. His body appeared frail so very frail.

She knew that the end was near. Of course, she knew that. She had seen her love fade away piece by piece for the past year. She had been with him to every appointment and had also felt all the hope she had slipped away slowly with each one of them.

Lots of things had changed in the past year but one thing remained constant. It was the man beside her. Although his body was giving up, he never gave up on life. His eyes held the same shine she saw when she first met him.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by the clearing of his throat. She looked at him again, and he gave her a bright smile. She couldn't help but smile back. How could she not smile when he looked at her like that? Like she was the only girl in the world.

"I love you." she whispered.

"Tell me something I don't know!" he sang with a cheeky grin.

She couldn't help but chuckle at his antics.

'Always the sunshine.' she thought. 

"I am going to miss you." she sniffled.                                                                                                                     

"You know that I hate goodbyes." He retorted in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I know. Let me say this, please." 

He squeezed her hand, nodding, indicating her to continue. He knew that this was important to her.

"I am going to miss you. Th- this is not fair! We were supposed to do so many things! Complete college, attend graduation, open our firm, get married, adopt puppies, travel the world, and make many more memories!" She said, her voice hoarse and eyes glassy by the time she completed.

"And you are still going get all that. You will go on complete college, attend graduation and party hard with your friends. You will open a firm by yourself and marry a man who will love you and who you love. You are going to adopt two adorable little puppies. You will travel the world and make a scrapbook to remember your adventures when you are old and wrinkly."

"And what about me? Well, you see, I will be right here in my girl's heart." he said while smiling and pointing toward her heart.

He saw her trying to object and cut her off.

"I love you, darling. I love you. And that's why I want you to be happy even if it is not with me. I want you to live this life for both of us. Enjoy it to your fullest. Don't be just alive. Live. Live every moment like it's the last."

"I am not telling you to forget me. I am not that easy to forget." He joked.

"I am just asking you to give love a second chance. Nothing will make me unhappier than you not living your life because of me. So you will live. For me?" He asked in a pleading tone.

"I will. I promise you. It is going to be difficult. I am sure even you know that but I promise to try."

"Now, now I am tired and am going to sleep. Love you." He said. He gave her a soft smile and closed his eyes. 

"Love you too." She whispered as a tear slid down her cheek. 


Hi there!

Another sad story? Yep certainly why not? But I swear this time I had a reason for writing it. There is no special backstory or anything like that, there is just a personal opinion to be honest.

So, the thing is I don't believe in the concept of dying after your love and what better way there is to die than being sad and miserable? It kills you slowly and piece by piece.

Just imagine how wonderful it will be if we live for our love. It is true that you might never forget or stop loving that person but who says you have to? Our heart is not a box which has a limit. We do have four chambers in our heart but the number of beings who live there are probably countless. 

The person who loved you, wouldn't want you to be miserable, because they loved you as simple as that. 

Now, Now that is all my personal opinions. Each person has their own way of thinking and I don't want to enforce my opinions of them or offend them in any way.

Have an awesome day!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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