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Seungmins POV

I walked around with my headphones in my ears with a happy smile on my face listening to day6 while I darted around the crowd so I could find a spot on the bus.

I ended up stood between two women who were talking over me, but I didn't mind. Life is life and people are gonna continue their conversations despite me being here.

I heard them vaguely over my music, something about a missing person report. That wasnt uncommon, soul is a big city and korea is an even bigger place as a whole. But despite all the bad things going on in the world I tried to remain cheerful because my lifes been going great lately

Despite being sixteen and still in school I've finnaly got a job as a trainee under JYP entertainment which is just a dream come true. Before heading to school this morning I'm going to my favourite shop to get some banana milk for my best friend jeongin who is only fifteen and also a trainee.

I dont think life could be looking up more ,but here we are.

Soon enough the bus came to a stop and I hoped off, walking into the store and taking my headphones out so I could talk to the cashier when I was ready to pay.

I went to the milk aisle and looked for jeongins beloved drink when I suddenly overheard a conversation

" I'm absolutely devastated " the cashier spoke " hes my favourite customer, always so cheerful. I hope they find him soon."

" agreed, poor kid" a customer spoke " what's his name again "

" Seungmin "

My eyebrows furrowed, they're talking about a different seungmin. Surely.

I walked up to them " hello " I spoke, neither acknowledging my existence " hey, I'm here to pay for some banana milk" still nothing " helloooo"

I flicked the cashiers head only to have my blood run cold  , my finger went....through him. Not in a disgusting and gory way but....almost like he was a ghost

" what..." I whispered to myself then did it again " w-what the fuck...." I went to touch his arm only to have my whole hand go through him " I'm dreaming.....I'm dreaming "

I turned on my heel, dropping the banana milk and leaving the shop. I almost bumped into someone and I exited only to go right through them.

" I'm gonna be sick " I shook my head and walked away completely into a familiar abandoned shop which me and innie would hang out in sometimes

I sat down on a broken couch in the shop and pulled my knees up to my chest " i-im dreaming. I'm dreaming, I have to be dreaming. This cant be real, it just.....doesn't make sense"

I noticed a newspaper on the ground and picked it up, I was on the front page... I'm missing...but I'm not missing I'm right here

" what the fuck is this nightmare" I put my face in my knees and balled up my hair

" this isn't a dream" an unfamiliar voice echoed through the room

I looked up to see a guy, not much older than me but still slightly shorter "w-who are you...?" I asked fearfully

" minho, lee minho. I' the same situation as you" he replied, I furrowed my brows " we arent missing we are being replaced by an evil version of ourselves ,seungmin "

" that sounds like......something out of a child's book" I shook my head doubtingly

" well, it's completely true so....get used to it" he replied

" why..why are you here?" I asked

" because, you're the only person who's been down here since .....chan" he replied " don't ask who chan is, just know...hes trying to save me and whoever is in here "

" cool how long will that take?" A hopeful voice took over my fearful one

" dont get your hopes up, itll take a while " he sighed then sat beside me

" just leave if you're gonna be all dark and gloomy" I groaned

" no, because its been a year and I haven't talked to anyone since chan escaped nine months ago" he replied, his arms crossed

" oh....I'm so sorry" I said sympathetically

" its fine" he replied " I'm just...happy someone can hear me and see me again....and touch me"

" how old are you?" I asked

" eighteen, you?" He replied

" sixteen " I hummed " where do you stay? "

" here" he said " I just sort of live here. You and your friend come here alot, I could see the signs that you would be arriving soon. I saw them on you friend too"

A fearful feeling squeezed my heart, innie cant come here. It would kill him, he needs to talk to people he needs his family

I cant let him end up here even if it's the last thing i do

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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