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She could'nt believe that after all the things that had happened in her life she was still alive, actually, she was one of the last one still standing. Which made her extremely sad, nearly all of her friend were dead and her husband, Stefan, died the same day they got married. But strangely enough that wasnt the most hurtful part, no, the worst part had been when Matt had told her that Rebekah had told him that Klaus and Elijah were both dead. Somehow the thought of Klaus dead had seemed to have shaken her way more than Stefan death, which was'nt particularly a good thinks. But then again, she could understand it, as much as she loved Stefan, and that was a lot since she decided to marry him, she could'nt seem to forget the particular bond that had been shared by her and Klaus since the first moment they met. It was an extremely strong pull that she had been fighting all her life, and that she never really seems to have acknowledge, which had totally changed after his death. The moment she really understood that she was'nt going to ever see him again, somethings had clicked in her head and she had passed the next three days under her cover crying. And if it had'nt been for a worried Matt coming to her house to see if she was okay, she would have probably stayed in that bed at least one more week.

So it was'nt that strange when in a fit of hope, she had been found standing before an imposing door with a large M on it. She was now standing in front of the door since at least 5 minute and was still not totally sur about what she was going to do, or what she had actually already convinced herself to do. She knew it was wrong, she had her daughters and Alaric, but she just couldnt convince herself. Since his death, she always felt like somethings was off, and that she needed to repair it. So she decided to came to New Orleans and talk about it with a person she never thought she was ever going to talk about it with. She finally decided to knock on the door and not even 1 minute after she knocked a maid was opening the door.

"Yes how may I help you?"

She did'nt really know how to respond, after all it was'nt like she actually had any real connection with the person living here. She was still thinking about what to say when a voice she easily recognized talked to the maid.

"Rose, who is it to the door?"

She saw Rebekah approaching the door and when their eyes meet she gave out an awkward smile. Which she quickly hide seeing the confusion on the girl face and opted for a less awkward smile. She rapidly pondered into her head what to say but before she could even open her mouth Rebekah spoke to the maid.

"Let her in Rose"

"Come in"

And just like this she found herself in the living room of the Mikaelson manor looking around her like a little girl at Christmas. She really would never be able to stop being fascinated by all those elegant looking house she always seemed to find herself in when being around a Mikaelson.

"So what happened for you to be here, in New Orleans?"

She immediately got out of her thought and looked straight into Rebekah eyes. Somehow they seemed less shiny than she remembered them. They were dull. She took a sharp breath before answering the question.

"Im here because I want to talk with you about somethings..."

She looked at me with questioning eyes as I seemed to having some difficulty finishing my sentence.

"...related to Klaus."

Her eyes went from a questioning look to a very sad one before quickly becoming cold and sharp as she seemed to be getting angry. Before she could say anything offensive, I spoke up again.

"Listen, I know that we dont have the best relationship and that, even if you also were one to me, I have been a real bitch to you in the past and Im really sorry for it. But I need you to know that even if I came to that conclusion quite late, I loved your brother, a lot, and I regret not being able to understand it earlier."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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