Day 1: Family

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It's been a while since me and Stolas met up for a proper full moon. Apart from him sending me texts sometimes, they're always filled with mixed signals and I can never really understand what he really wants from me. It's just, he tries to ask if we can meet up but then suddenly start coming up with excuses for me not to come, like he wants me to come but then makes up excuses for me not to like he doesn't want to see me. It's all bullshit, he sends all these mixed signals and I can never really tell what he wants. Now out of fuckin' no where he sends me a text asking for us to meet up at his place? Like, does he want to see me or not? Or he just wants to get me into bed again? Or he's gonna talk about the situation that's going on right now between us? ERG for fuck sakes, why's this feather ass so difficult?? Well whatever it is I'm about to find out soon.

I snap out of my train of thought as I park the van outside of his place and make my way up the walls climbing up to the balcony. After a shit load of struggling I managed to get myself on the balcony and I drop down onto the ground dusting myself off. "That shit never gets any easier" I mumble to myself and I make my way to the balcony door, knocking on it. I hear some shuffling from inside and then the doors open and I see Stolas in his signature red robe. "Oh Blitzø, you came! That was quick" he exclaims. I Brush him off saying "Ya ya don't get your puss in a twist. So what do you want?" I looked at him as he made his way to the bed, sitting on it, and tapped the space next to him. I sigh then climb onto the bed. "This better not be your grand plan to getting me to fuck your feathered ass again' I grumbled. "Oh no, of course not dear. I just.. wanted to to talk" he said to me with a smile. I gave him a face that's like 'what the fuck?' Then started getting off the bed "Aight, I'm out." "We can watch Spirit, I got you a new horse hoodie for the occasion as well!" He chirped waving the hoodie. "Aaaaaaand I'm back in! What is it bird brain?" I said making my way back on the space next to him on the bed. "Well I wanted to start off by talking about the situation at Ozzies" he said a bit nervous. "Oh.. that.. you know, we can talk about something else! There are many other things we can talk about if you-" "Blitzø" he interrupts my frantic talking then sighs. "I'm worried about you.. You really didn't seem well after our-.. after Ozzies and even the texts I get from you, they all seem so vague.." "Pff- you're one to talk." I grumble. "What?" "Oh don't act like I don't see it! You keep sending me mixed signals all the fucking time! You're always like 'Hey lets meet up! Oh wait imma use your work as an excuse.. Never mind I want meet up for the full moon! You know I'm just gonna fake being sick so I don't have to see you..' Seriously Stolas, if you want get rid of me that much then just say so dammit!" I yelled frustrated, tears brimming my eyes. I saw his shocked face and my anger quickly fizzled out and my face dropped as I looked away wiping away the tears threatening to escape my eyes.

"Sorry.." I said after a bit of silence. "No dear don't apologise. I should be apologising.. I could never want to get rid of you.. I could never leave you.. These past few weeks I've wanted nothing more than to talk with you and clear things up! But after Ozzies I thought you might want some space.. I never thought that being too cautious of overstepping any of your boundaries would come off as me trying to get rid of you.. I sincerely apologies for that Blitzø.." He explained. I took a deep breath before speaking again. "When I was a kid, me and Fizz were the best of friends, there was almost never a moment that we would be inseperable.. it was obvious that he had a natural talent in the show business.. And of course my asshole of a dad liked him more than me.. He said the not matter what he would never leave me.. That he would never abandon me.. Me and Fizz where so close, and I mean REALLY close.. I loved him dammit it.. but he.. he.. he HUMILIATED me infront of everyone during what was supposed to be my big moment at proving myself and making it.. but that ruined it.. He broke up with me and went off to become a big shot, taken in by Mammon.. and me? Well our whole show business had to be shut down after that humiliation.. My dad's whole show business got shut down because of me.. Dad was so mad at me that day.. grabbed anything he could find and threw it all at me.. got so far he grabbed a plate smashing it into my face.. and you can guess that lasted as a constant reminder  of how much of a fuck up I am.. To make matters worse, I let out all of my anger in the only way I knew how, destroying things. The tent caught on fire when a candle on one of the tables dropped onto the floor and into the tent. Talk about bad luck. Barbie, my sister, she was pissed at me. And to top it all of, with all the disaster that happened and the whole fire making the news.. mama got worried and her condition became so much worse.. It was too much for her.. I got a phone call from the doctors that she was.. ... leaving.. I rushed over to Sloth to see her, she was in her last moments.. That day mama left me.. left US.. Barbie blamed it all on me and so she packed her bags and she left.. dad kicked me out of the house.. next thing I had to do was find a way to stay alive so I found a shitty apartment with the little money that I had, and started working at Loo Loo Land, and wouldn't you know it I had to work with a Robe version of Fizz.. That day was the day that my whole life fell apart, With Fizz leaving me, destroying the business' reputation and the whole circus, mama gone, Barbie left, dad kicked me out.. and all because I was stupid enough to let myself love and be loved.. LOVE is the thing that hurt me.. it destroyed me and my life.. ... no.. I was the problem.. Making my whole family leave.. some family.. a family I destroyed.. I should've never- I should've ne-ver-" I broke down after that and Stolas pulled me towards me and held him. "Shhhh.. it's ok my dear..."

He kept stroking my horns and soothing me till my cries fizzled down to quiet sniffles. "You know who is your true family now..? You have Loona your daughter, and your employees, Millie and Moxxie, they care a lot about you too.. They are your family" He said to me in a soothing tone. I let out a shaky breath as I look up at him "Can you promise me that you won't leave me..?" I asked him weakly. "Never darling, I could never leave you.. How can I resist seeing your cute face?" He cooed. I rolled my eyes my face slightly heating up "Pff- you're the one with a cute face" I said accidentally out loud. "Pardon?" He said his face now crimson red. "Nothing! Forget I said anything!" I frantically said covering my red face with my hands. He laughed lightly as I saw him throw me the hoodie and hold out a DVD "ready to watch Spirit?" He asked me with a smile. I gave him a smile back "Always!" I snuggled up into the bed as Stolas set up the TV and started the movie then summoned a bowl of popcorn for us.


I woke up the next day still in Stolas' bed. I picked up my phone and saw a message from Stolas. 'Thank you for last night Blitzø, I very much enjoyed it. Could we be able to meet up again tonight? Under our Tree' I smiled and sent him a reply 'Shure tingh prinsey' (Sure thing princey). I smiled at the text message and started packing up my things and head off to work.

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